Monday, December 7, 2009

December Daily DAy 6- Dad's 41st Birthday Party


Yesterday was my dad's 41st birthday, still young as ever......AND looking GOOD! My mom threw a birthday bash for him with lots of awesome home cooked food....Thanks to momma, she's such an amazing cook! For desert mom made a chocolate swirl cake and an apple pie that was BOMB! We all kicked back visiting with one another, sang happy birthday & dad unwrapped his birthday presents. I tried to feed the boys but i think they were to distracted by all the people around. They wouldn't eat much way more interested in throwing all their food all over the floor. I put some ranch on Brody's tray, he decided to rub his hands all in it making a huge mess. I just cleaned him up and let him down, he'll eat when he's ready. I tried to feed AShton but he just kept running from me, then i loooked over and Grandma my mom was feeding them both pie...I got pretty fristrated i knew after they tried that dinner was the last thing on their mind. I told my mom to stop...DO you think she did? Yeah right....I caught her in the bathroom sneaking them more after like the tenth time of yelling at her she finally stopped feeding them sugar! She tried to deny there was sugar in the pie but her and I both know there was tons of sugar in it! HOnestly i dont really mind them eating sugar and treats as long as they EAT their meals first! My dad had a good birthday party, I'm glad most of his close friends came to celebrate with us! I got to the party a little late so i had to park behind someone in the drive way...When they were leaving i went to move my car backed up and hit the huge rock at the ebd if the driveway. I was so upset couldnt believe i freaking hit it. Not to mention my mom hit the same one two weeks ago and put a huge hole in her bumper. I didnt even want to look at the damage, but thank goodness there's none! I hit it pretty hard to so im alittle surprise but im sure after i wash my car there will be a few scratches some where . Then when i went to put the boys jackets on i had my purse and diaper bag at the top of the stairs. Next thing i knew i loooked over one of the boys had an empty pack of cigerettes, then the other one had my hole pack on the floor half of them broken. Those little stinkers oviously dont want mom to smoke! After grandpa's party the boys and I came home relaxed for a bit, then I gave babies a bath & we snuggled.

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