Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December Daily Day 23-Christmas MOvie time w/ the boys!!!

The boys were in anchorage all day with their dad shopping & by the time they came home it was way to late to do much! So for today's activity I decided to lay the boys down with me and watch Frosty The Snow Man! I love Christmas movies & Christmas time. Spending time with my boys is the best gift i could ever have and I'm truly blessed to have as much time with them as i do! I know in a few months I'm gonna be alot more busy and have less time with them. So i try to cherish every little moment i spend with them! I was taking pictures of the boys kissing each other, they love to give each other kisses and hugs. THe boys seemed to enjoy the movie but kept distracting each other. After the movie i laid the boys down in their cribs they would not fall asleep. So i brought them back into my bed for a little while hoping they would lay down and pass out. But by 11 they were still playing so i tried to lay them back down in their cribs. It worked they fell asleep!

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