Monday, December 14, 2009

December Daily Day 14- MAde Rice Crispy Treats


TOday daddy went snow machining and the boys and I stayed home all day. I cleaned made rice crispy treats and just hung out with babies all day. My mom stopped by for a little while visited and played with the boys. They're attached to her hip when ever she's around and she spoils them like crazy. They love Grandma so much and their papa to, right when she walked in they asked for papa. It was so adorable, she called grandpa so they could say hi to him.. Brody took off with the phone and accidentally hung up on him, wasnt very happy when grandma took her phone back. In the last couple weeks if i talk slow and ask babies to repeat me they usually will! I was talking to my girlfriend Meggan on skype (Video Chat) the other day and asked the boys to say Meggan and they both said her name several times! My boys are growing way to fast and talking more and more clearer everyday. Oh yeah before i forget the day before yesterday when i got Ashton up outta bed in the morning he kept trying to lick my face, he kept grabbing my face sticking his tongue out at me. I just had to put that in my blog because it was freakin hilarious!

Brody bit his brother so hard 3 times tonight they do it out of frustration whenever the other one snatches something from the other. I put a bandaid on one of the bite marks and Ashton kept saying "ouchy mommy ouchy" he made it seem a lot more dramatic then it needed to be but still i loved on him anyway.

I thought potty training would be a lot harder then i think it is. To me the boys are doing so good and they both have peep in the potty at least 10 times each since we bought it. We havent really got on them about using it yet but the both like to use it and tonight Brody pointed to the bathroom and said "potty" so i took him to the bathroom. He PEEP alot then after Brody was finished i put Ashton on the potty and he PEEP to!! We're so proud of them for doing so well and catching on so quickly! I cant wait till we no longer have to buy diapers. We just laid babies down for bed and its quiet time for mom and dad. Time to catch up on my December Daily and spend some quality time with Nick! Good night every one happy holidays!

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