Sunday, December 13, 2009

December Daily Day 13-Pictures with SAnta/Christmas Cards

TOday was a long day not to mention i was up late last night catching up on my scrap booking. This morning was quite busy the boys had pictures at 11am which turned out perfect. We were up pretty early this morning getting the boys ready to go. THen when we got to Walmart the lady informed me our appt. was at 10am not 11am but no on showed for their appt either so she squeezed us in. The boys were FASt the first shot was perfect but we choose shot 3 because their smiles were much bigger, it stuck. Then after that we had to shop a little because we were taking the boys to see santa at 12pm and it was still 11:30 by the time we were done with pics. SO we shopped around a little and of course ended up buying the boys more darn toys for Christmas. The boys road on these little red bicycles and refused to get off them. We would take them off walk away from them then set them down....and of course they both would run right back to them. After the finished riding the bikes it was time to see Santa but SAnta wasnt their yet so we checked out, grabbed some food from Mcdonalds ate and then took babies back to see SAnta. Babies were tired by this time so they were being little brats. WOuldnt let us hold them so we both chased one all around till it was their turn. I didnt take a picture with them because my eyes are still swollen from the allergic reaction i had, so their dad sat with them. AT first Ashton didnt want to sit on his dads lap and see him but SAnta was so good with the boys and got them to warm up quickly. They were laughing and smiling with him, it was so adorable. The picture turned 0ut really cute but we're going to take them one more time next week so i can be in the picture with them. After we left Walmart Nick took me to the hospital for my eye infection and he ran with the boys to grab anti-freeze from my parents. IN that time babies didnt even fall asleep, after nick picked me up and we went home we laid the boys down but it took them forever to fall asleep. I think they were overly tired from all the running around. It was a long day but im glad we got some stuff done.

Then after dinner i ran back to Walmart to make our Christmas cards for this year. I thought for sure it wouldnt take me that long but in ended up taking forever i ended up being there for about 2 hours. I made three different Christmas cards because i couldnt decide on which one i liked more or which pictures to choose. All three turned out so cute though and Nick loved them so that was a plus. NOw its just going to be hard dividing them up and choosing one to send to family members or friends because we love all three. It was a busy day and not only am i worn out but i feel like poop and just want to sleep. SO GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!!!!

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