Today started out busy the moment I woke up. My girlfriend Amanda & I took the kids to the sports complex for a play date from 11am-1pm. They have this huge area with tons of toys for them to run around and play with. They even had one of the blow up play land things, the boys had a blast. I took so many pictures of them all running around with all the friends they met & Kayden. The name of this place is Turf for Tots it costs $5 a kid but was well worth the money they have it opened Monday thru Thursday so im sure this wont be the only time we take them. Ashton kept climbing in and out of the blow up play land and sliding down the entrance. He rolled out of it forward to the side, on his belly, on his butt, every which direction possible. It was pretty cute watching them play and interact with all the little kids. Brody enjoyed playing in that as well but he really like driving the trucks around. He kept getting out wakling towards me and the second i walked towards him he ran back and got back in it. He thought i was trying to take him or something. We had a great time but one thing i was disappointed about was how dirty all the toys were.
After we left there we took the kids to Mcdonalds for lunch and the line was so long inside and out. I waited for our food at least 10 minutes, they were packed. We ate in the play area it was so packed with kids every table was full. So the kids didnt play we just ate and then after that i took the boys home for their after noon nap! They slept forever almost three hours but i was able to get a lot done in that time! I've been so far behind this last week I feel like I just cant seem to catch up!
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