Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December Daily Day 22- Candy Mold Christmas Pretzel Sticks

For my December DAily today I decided Nick and I could make candy molds, they turned out so delicious! After we put the melted chocolate in the molds I was suppose to tap the tray to afford air pockets. Well I tapped them a little to hard a broke 4 pretzels in the process! It was a lot of fun making them though never made them before. This Christmas I have been baking like crazy but on the holiday season you have to have sweets! The boys weren't able to help make them but they ate a little and were so mad when i wouldn't give them more. I just hate seeing them all jacked up on sugar right before bed time, I promise tomorrow when i get home from work they can each have one all to them selves! While I was melting the chocolate Nick yelled for me to come watch him play with the boys. It was so hilarious he was using his feet to flip them onto the couch and they were loving it. At first they both were some what nervous but they kept coming back for daddy to flip them again! I recorded it after Ashton got off the couch the last time he ran into the TV stand really hard with his head. Immediately he had a little goose egg, poor little guy. He didn't cry though i went to hold him but Nicks said, "NO he is a big boy mom.....If you baby him he will cry!" So i didn't comfort him and he was a big boy with no tears. Dad gave him a little bag of ice to hold of his head, he was so adorable holding it all by himself. Nick said, "hold the ice on daddy's head" so he did, then Brody kissed dad's head thinking he had a boo boo to. Watching them all play together is so amazing, Nick is such a wonderful dad and his boys absolutely adore him! Today was an extremely productive day and I got a lot done! Three more days till Christmas finally comes! :)

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