Thursday, December 3, 2009

DAy 3 Of My December DAily-BAKING COOKIES


First Ill start off by saying yesterday was day 2 of my December Daily, we hung the stockings...And ordered the boys their own personalized stockings with their names on them. I cant wait till they come in, it could take up to three weeks so i pray they get here before Christmas comes. As soon as they come in I'll be posting pictures so everyone can see how cute they are.

Today was day 3 of my December Daily and the boys and I baked cookies. I made both sugar and ginger bread for my first time from scratch. Usually i would just go by the package cookies to save myself the work, but this time i wanted them to be special. I was only able to finish baking the ginger bread ones tonight because it got to late and decorating them took a lot longer then i had expected. SO tomorrow i will bake the sugar cookies and I'll also be wrapping some of the boys Christmas presents for day 4 of my December Daily. This month is going to be quite hectic with lots to do but im pretty excited about the next 22 days of Christmas except they're not all planned out yet.

The boys ate way to much sugar tonight i know tomorrow they're gonna have little tummy aches. I gave them each their own ginger bread man with powdered sugar frosting and a small bowl of decorations for them to add on themselves. Ashton was much more interested in eating the cookies and decorations. He ripped the head off his cookie and ate half of it. Brody watched me decorate my cookie, then he put a couple snowflakes on his cookie but started eating the decorations to! I thought they would be more interested then they were but next year they'll be a lot more into their creativity. I gave them a couple cookies before giving them one to decorate so by that time they wouldnt want to still eat them but i was wrong about that. Although they both didnt finish their last cookies they ended upside down and the kitchen floor. I am proud to say either of them threw their bowls on the floor so that was one less mess for me to clean up. After the boys finished up i washed their hands brushed their teeth cleaned their faces changed their butts and off to bed they went! Then mom finished decorating the rest of our delicious cookies, decorating is a process I didnt realize how much work is put into it! They turned out wonderful colorful and im very happy to say they taste DELICIOUS! It was a good night and tomorrow will be another busy day!

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