Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas EVE Dinner

Christmas is tomorrow, I'm so freaking excited to go to bed and wake up to watch the boys open all their gifts. They are having a double Christmas, tonight we went to my parents had Christmas dinner and presents to open there. Then tomorrow the boys get TONS & TONS more presents from santa! WE had a blast and dinner was wonderful. From my parents for Christmas the boys got clothes, shoes, electric tooth brushes, v-tech computers, and remote control trucks. THey are to young for the truck but they still enjoyed chasing after them and dragging them around. They love their computers and after they opened those they were memorized. Then my grandparents gave us all 100 dollars and bought the boys a foam bowling set. And nicks mom gave the boys each a gift card because they got everything else! When the boys opened their stockings and found their tooth brushes they were extremely happy. SO grandma and grandpa (my parents) went with the boys in the bathroom to brush their teeth. The boys love hanging out with my parents and are never happy when we leave!

Before dinner we had Christmas family pictures @ Sears but it went pretty bad. First the lady taking them was in a hurry and i take forever when we get pics done so i knew it might end badly. Man the boys were being shit heads and wouldn't sit still. Kept head butting us trying to get away and wiggling their hole bodies trying to escape from our arms. The lady was so fed up she said do you want to come back on Saturday to try again. I agreed i wasnt having it and either were the boys. So we are getting some of them retaken on Saturday so i need to make certain the boys are well rested fed and in good moods.

Before leaving my parents i changed the boys diapers but noticed Ashton needed to poop. So grandma took him to the bathroom to use the potty and he pooped for his first time in the toilet! Nick and I were so proud of our little man, he is getting so big!

On our way home the boys both fell asleep but woke up as soon as we got there. They got in their pajamas and played with their v-tech computers for a little while before bed. A little while after we laid them down for bed so we could finish up the presents and have a little time to ourselves. Nick stayed up with SANTA till 4:30am setting up the boys kitchen, I finished wrapping the presents but ended up passing out around 2:30am. It was a wonderful day cant wait to wake up and see the boys faces!

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