Saturday, December 19, 2009

December Daily DAy 18-Finished Christmas Cards & Letters For Our Friends & Family

Today the boys stayed home with their daddy while i went to work. For my December Daily I finished up the Christmas cards and our Christmas Letters. I bought the cutest Christmas stationary paper ever and decided this year i would write a letter to update everyone on how life has been for us this year. I'm glad to have one more thing outta the way but then again I still am so over loaded with stuff that needs to get done this next week its insane.

When I came home from work Nick had the boys napping and the house straightened up which was so nice, cleaning right when i get home from works sucks. Daddy went out for a little while and Ashton kept pointing at the door saying dadda and the expression on his face was priceless. He had his mouth opened and his eyes were bulging out. I dont know i guess you kinda had to see it but it was to cute! Then they both were lying on the kitchen floor rubbing their heads back and forth, it almost looked like they were trying to mop the floor. Well i guess you kinda had to be there for that one to but at least i caught it on video camera. My neighbor Anna came upstairs to visit with me for a bit. The boys kept trying to beat her up by pitching her, hitting her with toys & Brody even almost ran her over with their Harley. It's almost like when ever my full attention isnt on them they some how find a way to get it. I felt pretty bad Ashton was being mean, so was Brody at first but after me saying NO a few times he started being very loving. He kept giving kisses and wanting her to hold him. It was to funny we were cracking up because they were being wild animals. Brody was riding the Harley all around but seriously OUR PLACE IS WAY TO SMALL so he would get four feet put it in reverse get four feet then go forward. He went to hit the gas and his chin hit the handle bars. Didn't cry but got off and came over to me holding his chin like mom kiss my ouchy. They both were being pretty entertaining tonight. I was trying to watch this bridal show and every 5 minutes Brody would turn the tv off. They dont like me doing anything that doesnt involve them & I do mean anything......Including using the bathroom! It was a long day I ended up falling asleep on the couch and Nick put babies to bed!

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