Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Is Finally Here!!!!!!!!!!! :)

SO i thought for sure we would have a white winter wonderland Christmas but most the fresh snow melted into slush! It's ok though we didnt plan on playing in the snow today, just opening the million presents Ashton & Brody got. They are so spoiled and this morning their eyes lit up like Christmas trees. When they saw all the presents their kitchen and that they had not one harley but two they were thrilled. I think the kitchen was their favorite present, we had a hard time getting them to open the other presents because they kept playing with the kitchen set. Unwrapping all their toys was such a mess and filled the living room more then once. They were tearing through all their presents having a blast with the wrapping paper. Daddy felll back asleep after we got all the toys opened, he was exhausted from staying up so late putting the kitchen together. After we got all the toys opened i wanted the boys to finish opening all their clothes but they were way to occupied. I waited a couple hours and then they finished unwrapping them and then i gave them their personalized stockings. When they found their m&m's they were determined to get them open. I decided since it was Christmas that they could eat some, they loved them. Brody was eating them so quickly he had chocolate coming out his nose! Then he was running around with them, they ended up spilling all over the place. Cleaning up all the wrapping paper and other trash took me forever and i kept finding more. Even though the boys got tons of toys i still caught them on the table at least 10 times today. They even knocked my lap top off the table, i thought it was broke for a little while. Thank god it is working though, I would of been way sad. Then they kept opening the oven trying to climb on the counter. They are full of energy and love to get on my full attention. The boys definitely got spoiled rotten this year but im happy to say it was all worth it! I have been counting down the days till Christmas and now it has finally come. I switched my schedule at work so i could be with the boys in the morning to open presents. SO i am working 3 to 10pm but it has been an incredible Christmas. Nick and the boys went over to our friend Randy's for Christmas Dinner! Oh yeah i almost forgot and Nick bought me a NEW VIDEO CAMERA!!!!!!!! SO HAPPPPPY :)

2 harleys
2 sit and spins
V-tech smile baby system
TOns of clothes
Kitchen Set
Remote control tiger & dog
2 vacuums
2 brooms
1 home depot tool set
2 more tool sets
Tons of stocking stuffers

I think there is more but would have to look!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas EVE Dinner

Christmas is tomorrow, I'm so freaking excited to go to bed and wake up to watch the boys open all their gifts. They are having a double Christmas, tonight we went to my parents had Christmas dinner and presents to open there. Then tomorrow the boys get TONS & TONS more presents from santa! WE had a blast and dinner was wonderful. From my parents for Christmas the boys got clothes, shoes, electric tooth brushes, v-tech computers, and remote control trucks. THey are to young for the truck but they still enjoyed chasing after them and dragging them around. They love their computers and after they opened those they were memorized. Then my grandparents gave us all 100 dollars and bought the boys a foam bowling set. And nicks mom gave the boys each a gift card because they got everything else! When the boys opened their stockings and found their tooth brushes they were extremely happy. SO grandma and grandpa (my parents) went with the boys in the bathroom to brush their teeth. The boys love hanging out with my parents and are never happy when we leave!

Before dinner we had Christmas family pictures @ Sears but it went pretty bad. First the lady taking them was in a hurry and i take forever when we get pics done so i knew it might end badly. Man the boys were being shit heads and wouldn't sit still. Kept head butting us trying to get away and wiggling their hole bodies trying to escape from our arms. The lady was so fed up she said do you want to come back on Saturday to try again. I agreed i wasnt having it and either were the boys. So we are getting some of them retaken on Saturday so i need to make certain the boys are well rested fed and in good moods.

Before leaving my parents i changed the boys diapers but noticed Ashton needed to poop. So grandma took him to the bathroom to use the potty and he pooped for his first time in the toilet! Nick and I were so proud of our little man, he is getting so big!

On our way home the boys both fell asleep but woke up as soon as we got there. They got in their pajamas and played with their v-tech computers for a little while before bed. A little while after we laid them down for bed so we could finish up the presents and have a little time to ourselves. Nick stayed up with SANTA till 4:30am setting up the boys kitchen, I finished wrapping the presents but ended up passing out around 2:30am. It was a wonderful day cant wait to wake up and see the boys faces!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December Daily Day 23-Christmas MOvie time w/ the boys!!!

The boys were in anchorage all day with their dad shopping & by the time they came home it was way to late to do much! So for today's activity I decided to lay the boys down with me and watch Frosty The Snow Man! I love Christmas movies & Christmas time. Spending time with my boys is the best gift i could ever have and I'm truly blessed to have as much time with them as i do! I know in a few months I'm gonna be alot more busy and have less time with them. So i try to cherish every little moment i spend with them! I was taking pictures of the boys kissing each other, they love to give each other kisses and hugs. THe boys seemed to enjoy the movie but kept distracting each other. After the movie i laid the boys down in their cribs they would not fall asleep. So i brought them back into my bed for a little while hoping they would lay down and pass out. But by 11 they were still playing so i tried to lay them back down in their cribs. It worked they fell asleep!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December Daily Day 22- Candy Mold Christmas Pretzel Sticks

For my December DAily today I decided Nick and I could make candy molds, they turned out so delicious! After we put the melted chocolate in the molds I was suppose to tap the tray to afford air pockets. Well I tapped them a little to hard a broke 4 pretzels in the process! It was a lot of fun making them though never made them before. This Christmas I have been baking like crazy but on the holiday season you have to have sweets! The boys weren't able to help make them but they ate a little and were so mad when i wouldn't give them more. I just hate seeing them all jacked up on sugar right before bed time, I promise tomorrow when i get home from work they can each have one all to them selves! While I was melting the chocolate Nick yelled for me to come watch him play with the boys. It was so hilarious he was using his feet to flip them onto the couch and they were loving it. At first they both were some what nervous but they kept coming back for daddy to flip them again! I recorded it after Ashton got off the couch the last time he ran into the TV stand really hard with his head. Immediately he had a little goose egg, poor little guy. He didn't cry though i went to hold him but Nicks said, "NO he is a big boy mom.....If you baby him he will cry!" So i didn't comfort him and he was a big boy with no tears. Dad gave him a little bag of ice to hold of his head, he was so adorable holding it all by himself. Nick said, "hold the ice on daddy's head" so he did, then Brody kissed dad's head thinking he had a boo boo to. Watching them all play together is so amazing, Nick is such a wonderful dad and his boys absolutely adore him! Today was an extremely productive day and I got a lot done! Three more days till Christmas finally comes! :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

December Daily DAy 21- Turf For Tots

Today started out busy the moment I woke up. My girlfriend Amanda & I took the kids to the sports complex for a play date from 11am-1pm. They have this huge area with tons of toys for them to run around and play with. They even had one of the blow up play land things, the boys had a blast. I took so many pictures of them all running around with all the friends they met & Kayden. The name of this place is Turf for Tots it costs $5 a kid but was well worth the money they have it opened Monday thru Thursday so im sure this wont be the only time we take them. Ashton kept climbing in and out of the blow up play land and sliding down the entrance. He rolled out of it forward to the side, on his belly, on his butt, every which direction possible. It was pretty cute watching them play and interact with all the little kids. Brody enjoyed playing in that as well but he really like driving the trucks around. He kept getting out wakling towards me and the second i walked towards him he ran back and got back in it. He thought i was trying to take him or something. We had a great time but one thing i was disappointed about was how dirty all the toys were.

After we left there we took the kids to Mcdonalds for lunch and the line was so long inside and out. I waited for our food at least 10 minutes, they were packed. We ate in the play area it was so packed with kids every table was full. So the kids didnt play we just ate and then after that i took the boys home for their after noon nap! They slept forever almost three hours but i was able to get a lot done in that time! I've been so far behind this last week I feel like I just cant seem to catch up!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Daily DAy 20- Took the boys to see SAnta for the second time this year!!!!!!

Today we took the boys to Colony Kitchen to see Santa Mrs. Claus and Raggedy Ann. They had a lot of fun eating nothing but pure sugar cookies & candy canes. They got early Christmas gifts from Santa, a few books, coloring book & crayons. We showed the boys all the Christmas scenes there. Colony kitchen always decorates so nicely they go all out on the holidays especially Christmas time. Babies wouldnt sit still they were running all around kept grabbing more cookies off the table they had set up! Ashton even ran back in the kitchen! There is this display case with all the deserts in it and every time the boys would walk past it they would stop and stare inside. The boys were a little scared of Santa at first but they were being very curious. Kept going up to him just staring away. I put Ashton on his lap alone to take a picture but he wasnt very happy about that! He wanted me to stand there with him or maybe it was because brother wasnt next to him! We stayed their for almost two hours and then went to shop a little at Sears. About 5 minutes after we left my cell rang and we won a gift certificate for Colony KItchen for $25. When we first got there Nick and I each enter a drawing and I won so that was exciting. We had a good time visiting with Santa and alll the other kids around. We ran into our friend Jessica and her three kids. The kids are in love with the boys i kept taking pictures of all of them, then we all took a group picture with Santa. Man only a few more days till Christmas it's going to be a huge mess cleaning up all the wrapping paper but i cant wait!

December Daily DAy 19- Ludacris Concert

Nick and I went to the Ludacris concert last night. Our friend Justin bought us tickets for Christmas, I couldn't wait to see him. But i was a little disappointed by his performance, I expected a lot more. We waited 2 hours for him to get out on stage & then he only sang for 1 so i was pretty upset. I sat down for 5 minutes because my legs were hurting from standing in heals. And the next thing i new the concert was over with. We didnt have floor seats whiched sucked because i didnt get any good pictures of him! We thought we would get a better veiw from the bleachers but we were wrong!!!! After the concert we came back to the valley and had a blast with friends all night!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December Daily DAy 18-Finished Christmas Cards & Letters For Our Friends & Family

Today the boys stayed home with their daddy while i went to work. For my December Daily I finished up the Christmas cards and our Christmas Letters. I bought the cutest Christmas stationary paper ever and decided this year i would write a letter to update everyone on how life has been for us this year. I'm glad to have one more thing outta the way but then again I still am so over loaded with stuff that needs to get done this next week its insane.

When I came home from work Nick had the boys napping and the house straightened up which was so nice, cleaning right when i get home from works sucks. Daddy went out for a little while and Ashton kept pointing at the door saying dadda and the expression on his face was priceless. He had his mouth opened and his eyes were bulging out. I dont know i guess you kinda had to see it but it was to cute! Then they both were lying on the kitchen floor rubbing their heads back and forth, it almost looked like they were trying to mop the floor. Well i guess you kinda had to be there for that one to but at least i caught it on video camera. My neighbor Anna came upstairs to visit with me for a bit. The boys kept trying to beat her up by pitching her, hitting her with toys & Brody even almost ran her over with their Harley. It's almost like when ever my full attention isnt on them they some how find a way to get it. I felt pretty bad Ashton was being mean, so was Brody at first but after me saying NO a few times he started being very loving. He kept giving kisses and wanting her to hold him. It was to funny we were cracking up because they were being wild animals. Brody was riding the Harley all around but seriously OUR PLACE IS WAY TO SMALL so he would get four feet put it in reverse get four feet then go forward. He went to hit the gas and his chin hit the handle bars. Didn't cry but got off and came over to me holding his chin like mom kiss my ouchy. They both were being pretty entertaining tonight. I was trying to watch this bridal show and every 5 minutes Brody would turn the tv off. They dont like me doing anything that doesnt involve them & I do mean anything......Including using the bathroom! It was a long day I ended up falling asleep on the couch and Nick put babies to bed!

Friday, December 18, 2009

December Daily DAy 17-Fun Night

Christmas is so close i can taste it!!!!!!!!!!! I had to work today and babies went to my parents again. MY mom took them sledding they had a blast, she said they went around the block twice. Now she can barely walk thank god Nick doesnt work tomorrow so he can watch babies. When I went to pick the kiddos up they said hi but didn't want to leave with me again! They were down stairs playing with Papa and the dogs! The connection my dad has with them is so amazing and they just love the heck out of him! Getting Ashton into the car wasn't easy he was way upset i was taking him.....I felt bad then he fell asleep as soon as we hit the highway they both did!

Every Thursday NIck and I have bowling so tonight we had to go!!!! I take them to Gia's every Thursday while we go but tonight was different. They slept from 3-5 when i was dropping them off they woke up and weren't happy. We were in Gia's driveway and they new i was leaving them. I left them but felt so bad and called her ten minutes later to see if they had calmed down. Cuz usually 1 minute or less after i leave they calm down. I could hear Ashton freaking out over the phone so i decided i needed to get back in the car and go pick my babies up. I felted so quilty for leaving them, they hadn't seen me all day. At the same time taking them bowling with us is so hard because they run around every where. NON-STOP...... Oh yes tonight they were wild animals running every which direction and we couldn't seem to keep them in one place. AShton would run one way Brody another it was a long night with lots of exercise. Tonight they discovered the arcade that's in the bowling alley and every time we set them down they would go running back. It was so not fun we were switching off running back and forth trying to bowl, the team we were playing against wasn't very happy because we were taking forever. At the end of the night we were the last team outta there.

When we got home the boys watch part of a movie with their dad but then they all ended up playing and snuggling!!!! They dont really watch movies yet, they used to watch Your Baby Can Read everyday but that got played out a long time ago! I guess they watch movies at my parents which doesnt surprise me. We got the boys are dressed in their pajamas brushed their teeth washed their faces and they both went POTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) After getting all ready for bed I read a bed time story called Numbers, tucked them in and we gave them kisses goodnight!

Then Nick and I finished wrapping all the presents except their clothes and they got TONS! Good night I'm exhausted, its been a long long day!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December Daily DAy 16- Baking Cupcakes

I had to work today so babies went over to my parents house in palmer. The roads were so slick & everyone was driving extremely snow. When we got to their house babies got very excited and started saying "Papa" for my dad. They adore him and my mom the relationship they share is very un breakable. When I left they wouldn't even give me a kiss good bye I was so sad!!!!! And after work when I went to pick them up they wanted nothing to do with me, I mean nothing. When I pulled in my dad was snow blowing and the boys were standing in the kitchen window watching papa and waving to me. Right when I walked in I heard the boys crying, they were upset because papa was outside and they literally didn't calm down till he came inside. SO then they say their good byes and we get their jackets on....THEY FREAKED OUT....Didnt want to leave at all, Ashton wanted nothing to do with me and was kicking and screaming all the way to the car. Grandma said they used the potty twice today and Brody pulled off his diaper and peep all over the floor. They had a lot of fun over their as usual, it's a nice break for them to get away from home.

When we got home the boys were racing their trucks around the house every where. Like little race car drivers they were moving. Then they took one of the coach cushions off put their trucks their trucks on the cushion and were riding off. Of course they would fall forward but i was right there to make sure they didnt get hurt. It was just so cute watching them use their imaginations, they were cracking them selves up. I was attempting to make dinner but the boys wouldn't leave my side and kept trying to open the oven with it on. Then Brody threw a fit because i wouldn't give him chocolate covered raisins. Finally after telling them to go play for 30 minutes now all of the sudden it was quite and i could cook in peace. That usually only means trouble though, silence i mean. So I went into their room to catch them in action and of course they dumped out 3 of the dresser drawers, clothes were all over the room. Those little rascals....Thats not it a little later I was printer our Christmas letters they went into our room and dumped our whole filing cabnet out. Papers were all over the place, then they got into the dvds and opened almost ten of them taking all the Dvd's out and slipping them under our dvd player. I almost forgot Brody also peep all over our kitchen floor today to, thank god it was the wood floors not the carpet. He pulled his diaper off and just started going he peep so much it just kept going & going. It never ends I'm telling you tomorrow they might do it all over again but they are little my little perfect angels.

For my December Daily today I baked cupcakes and decorated them. They turned out moist just how I like them, I think after eating all these sweets this holiday season I'm gonna need to see the dentist. I had a busy night and am exhausted so good night sweeet dreams.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December Daily DAy 15- Took the boys sledding!!!!!

TOday was a wonderful day COLD but GOOD.....MIa and I took the boys sledding & Angela and Rena met up with us at wonderland park. MIa and I pulled the boys around in the snow for a little while before climbing up this mountain. They were having a blast laughing smiling loving the winter fun. The hill was huge and climbing up it was a challenge i kept slipping but made it up with Brody in my arms. Mia attempted to carry AShton and the sled but wasnt successful she kept slipping, i had to meet her to grab baby! Mia road down with AShton the first run and it was so funny..... THe snow wasnt at all padded down so her and Ash got totally white washed, ASh freaked out because his poor face was covered in snow. So i road down on Rena's sled to get to him, and of course i to got white washed. I grabbed him and he calmed down right away we walked back up the hill by this time im exhausted from carrying these boys up this darn hill. All the climbing was well worth it because we all had a blast. I road down twice by myself then went down with Brody he got white washed but not nearly as bad as brother was. He cried for a minute but not long, I don't know maybe it was because i road with him but he seemed love it he had the cutest smile on his face. Anyways we road a few more times Mia and Rena road down and ended up hitting this jump all the weight made them fly because by this time the snow was pretty much packed down. Then Mia and I road down and flew over the jump it was hilarious we were cracking up so hard. After we were down Angela and MIa went and of course flew over the jump to. We had so much fun sledding today and the boys really seemed to enjoy it. They were so good the hole time, momma was proud. We walked them down the mountain instead of riding because we didn't want to accidentally hit the jump with one of the babies on the sled. Then when we all got to the bottom the boys sat on the sled while Mia pulled them to the car. Mia was pulling them but Brody wanted off so Rena road the rest of the way with Ashton. I love playing in the snow its a winter wonderland outside and has been snowing most the day!

SO every time our front door is open the boys run out the door & start throwing all our shoes down the stairs. They think its hilarious and do it every chance they get. In the last week they've thrown shoes down the stairs at least 15 times.

Boys took such a long nap today almost 3 hours, they must of been worn out from playing in the snow today! It was a wonderful day and i finally got caught up on my December Daily!

Monday, December 14, 2009

December Daily Day 14- MAde Rice Crispy Treats


TOday daddy went snow machining and the boys and I stayed home all day. I cleaned made rice crispy treats and just hung out with babies all day. My mom stopped by for a little while visited and played with the boys. They're attached to her hip when ever she's around and she spoils them like crazy. They love Grandma so much and their papa to, right when she walked in they asked for papa. It was so adorable, she called grandpa so they could say hi to him.. Brody took off with the phone and accidentally hung up on him, wasnt very happy when grandma took her phone back. In the last couple weeks if i talk slow and ask babies to repeat me they usually will! I was talking to my girlfriend Meggan on skype (Video Chat) the other day and asked the boys to say Meggan and they both said her name several times! My boys are growing way to fast and talking more and more clearer everyday. Oh yeah before i forget the day before yesterday when i got Ashton up outta bed in the morning he kept trying to lick my face, he kept grabbing my face sticking his tongue out at me. I just had to put that in my blog because it was freakin hilarious!

Brody bit his brother so hard 3 times tonight they do it out of frustration whenever the other one snatches something from the other. I put a bandaid on one of the bite marks and Ashton kept saying "ouchy mommy ouchy" he made it seem a lot more dramatic then it needed to be but still i loved on him anyway.

I thought potty training would be a lot harder then i think it is. To me the boys are doing so good and they both have peep in the potty at least 10 times each since we bought it. We havent really got on them about using it yet but the both like to use it and tonight Brody pointed to the bathroom and said "potty" so i took him to the bathroom. He PEEP alot then after Brody was finished i put Ashton on the potty and he PEEP to!! We're so proud of them for doing so well and catching on so quickly! I cant wait till we no longer have to buy diapers. We just laid babies down for bed and its quiet time for mom and dad. Time to catch up on my December Daily and spend some quality time with Nick! Good night every one happy holidays!