Today we had such a long busy day babies wore momma out. Before i get into today's blog im gonna blog about what my boys did yesterday because it was hilarious. They decided to run around with buckets on their heads. Nick has these paint bucket liners in our computer room for work and they get into everything so thought it would be fun to wear them as hats. It was adorable although they're HUGE and covered their whole heads. The funniest part was when they both started running straight towards eachother and fell down! It was pretty funny know tears from either they just took their buckets off and both started laughing looking at me while i was laughing. Of course they weren't done ran around the house some more taking buckets on and off. Then playing peek a boo and saying "PEEK A BOO." Gotta love em. I didn't get any pictures but did record them! I'm sure that wasn't the last time they will run around the house with those on!
Now im gonna talk about today it was sooooooo long i thought it would never end & It still hasnt but at least we're home! I took a long time friend to her 30 week check up appt. carrying twin girls whom i cant wait to finally meet. Im so anxious about their arrival, today i got to see them on the ultrasound for the first time! It was so exciting and brought me back to so many memories of being pregnant with the boys. WOuld love to have me a little girl! :( BUt nick wont give me one for a long time, he is burnt out already and we just got started.......hehehehehe. OK so enough about all that AShton was a wild child today i got very upset with him a few times and got sick of his little fits he kept throwing. Brody was pretty much an angel most the day i cant even really remember anything he did wrong because i think he stayed pretty calm and content most the day. The first thing AShton did was when we got to the doctors we were in the bathroom changing the boys, changed Brody first. I looked over and Ashton was leaning down about to look underneath the stall where some women was using the bathroom. He's never tired to do that before i was embarassed but couldnt help but laugh. A while ago he did crawl out of a dressing room when i was in the middle of changing and ran from me. Then after i changed them we went into the room and boys were pretty good for the most part, alot better then i expected they'd be. I also didnt realize after her ultrasound we still had to go into another room to talk to the doctor then to another appt after that. But babies and i stayed in the car for that one because they were sleeping! I brought snacks for them and by the time we were only done with the first half they ate everything i had brought. Which was a pp&j sandwich a little snack bag of fruit loops and a snack bag of cheeze its. When we were about to leave the room i went to change Brody and of course AShton freaked cuz i left him so i opened the door to let him follow us! I changed Brody looked over at Ashton with his head half way in the toilet grabbing the toilet seat and he was even talking to it! I was so grossed out couldnt believe he acually did that! Definitely had to wash his hands after that one! AFter the bathroom we were all done with the first appt so we sat back in the waiting room till the doctor came to get us! The appt went all good boys had a sucker at the end and as we were trying to leave babies were running alll down the halls like crazy animals with stickers all over them! One of the CMA's there gave babies stickers! We left the appt. and babies they fell right to sleep for their afternoon nap! It was off to the next appt then food then burlingtons to kinda window shop for black friday needed to get some ideas and try on a few outfits! As we were attempting to try on outfits Ashton started throwing a fit! He wanted to run around and have me chasing after. SO while Lorelle was trying on some stuff with Brody i followed AShton around a little bit. He started going in dressing rooms slamming the doors and kept trying to look underneath the dressing rooms while girls were changing! I couldnt believe it he was all over the place and woukdnt stop being a pain.....(a kid) i couldnt control him without a huge temper tantram. Finally she was done so i took Ashton in with me cuz Lorelle definitely didnt want to deal with running from her. As i was changing he crawled out of the changing room twice, i gave up decided to just put the clothes down buy a couple halloween decorations and get out of their before i pulled my hair out. I was in line to buy them with both the boys in one cart i looked over at Brody as he threw one of the pumpkin decorations out onto the floor. Of course it had to break and shattered everywhere. I had enough by this point picked up most the peices put back the other pumpkin and took the boys out to car. IT was a long day babies were so ready to go home.....And they did eat dinner in chase your wondering!!!!!! DIdn't get into Wasilla until 9:30pm it felt like forever but it was a good day was glad to see the girls for the first time! Good night!!!!
Now im gonna talk about today it was sooooooo long i thought it would never end & It still hasnt but at least we're home! I took a long time friend to her 30 week check up appt. carrying twin girls whom i cant wait to finally meet. Im so anxious about their arrival, today i got to see them on the ultrasound for the first time! It was so exciting and brought me back to so many memories of being pregnant with the boys. WOuld love to have me a little girl! :( BUt nick wont give me one for a long time, he is burnt out already and we just got started.......hehehehehe. OK so enough about all that AShton was a wild child today i got very upset with him a few times and got sick of his little fits he kept throwing. Brody was pretty much an angel most the day i cant even really remember anything he did wrong because i think he stayed pretty calm and content most the day. The first thing AShton did was when we got to the doctors we were in the bathroom changing the boys, changed Brody first. I looked over and Ashton was leaning down about to look underneath the stall where some women was using the bathroom. He's never tired to do that before i was embarassed but couldnt help but laugh. A while ago he did crawl out of a dressing room when i was in the middle of changing and ran from me. Then after i changed them we went into the room and boys were pretty good for the most part, alot better then i expected they'd be. I also didnt realize after her ultrasound we still had to go into another room to talk to the doctor then to another appt after that. But babies and i stayed in the car for that one because they were sleeping! I brought snacks for them and by the time we were only done with the first half they ate everything i had brought. Which was a pp&j sandwich a little snack bag of fruit loops and a snack bag of cheeze its. When we were about to leave the room i went to change Brody and of course AShton freaked cuz i left him so i opened the door to let him follow us! I changed Brody looked over at Ashton with his head half way in the toilet grabbing the toilet seat and he was even talking to it! I was so grossed out couldnt believe he acually did that! Definitely had to wash his hands after that one! AFter the bathroom we were all done with the first appt so we sat back in the waiting room till the doctor came to get us! The appt went all good boys had a sucker at the end and as we were trying to leave babies were running alll down the halls like crazy animals with stickers all over them! One of the CMA's there gave babies stickers! We left the appt. and babies they fell right to sleep for their afternoon nap! It was off to the next appt then food then burlingtons to kinda window shop for black friday needed to get some ideas and try on a few outfits! As we were attempting to try on outfits Ashton started throwing a fit! He wanted to run around and have me chasing after. SO while Lorelle was trying on some stuff with Brody i followed AShton around a little bit. He started going in dressing rooms slamming the doors and kept trying to look underneath the dressing rooms while girls were changing! I couldnt believe it he was all over the place and woukdnt stop being a pain.....(a kid) i couldnt control him without a huge temper tantram. Finally she was done so i took Ashton in with me cuz Lorelle definitely didnt want to deal with running from her. As i was changing he crawled out of the changing room twice, i gave up decided to just put the clothes down buy a couple halloween decorations and get out of their before i pulled my hair out. I was in line to buy them with both the boys in one cart i looked over at Brody as he threw one of the pumpkin decorations out onto the floor. Of course it had to break and shattered everywhere. I had enough by this point picked up most the peices put back the other pumpkin and took the boys out to car. IT was a long day babies were so ready to go home.....And they did eat dinner in chase your wondering!!!!!! DIdn't get into Wasilla until 9:30pm it felt like forever but it was a good day was glad to see the girls for the first time! Good night!!!!
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