SO for some reason ASHTON AND BRODY havent been listening to me at all these last few days. They both climbed into the oven at least ten times yesterday and they wouldn't take No for an answer... It was so annoying the second i turned my back they were back in the oven trying to cook them selves. I've realized i need to get back the control because lately i dont have it and they are the ones in control of me. LOL..... MAYbe not but it sure feels like it. With them having colds im trying to keep them inside as much as possible. But they are very bored and i am going nuts trying to keep them entertained and running out of ideas quick. Yesterday both grandma's watched them boys one half the day and the other the other half.. MY mom had the first half... SHe put ashton back to bed in only a diaper and when she went to get him out he had taken his diaper off and pooped everywhere. SHe said it wasnt a pretty sight i was pretty grateful to be at work and not the one having to clean it. I did feel bad though i can only imagine how nasty it was. ASh & Bro have been enjoying pulling there diapers off and running around naked. WHen i got home from work i changed Brody didnt put his pants back on right away and as soon as i turned my back he stripped it off and was waving it around. These kids are full of surprises! Today i decided to let them color for a little fun time. I put them both in their boosters sits pushed them up to the table and let them go at it with the crayons. Their paper wasn't staying in place so i taped the paper down! Which seemed to work well and it did occupy by them for a little while but not long! I gave them markers and Brody started writing all over his hands, thank god they're washable. After that i gave them a nice long bath, then i clipped there nails spiked there hair and dressed them in overalls. We just relaxed the rest of the day at home. Then tonight Ashton and Brody wanted to snuggle with mom and dad on the coach. Ash fell asleep in daddy's arms and Brody fell asleep in mine! I love it when they snuggle with us, it doesnt happen very often anymore! I lOve MY BOYS with all my heart and i'm so thankful for all our blessings.
Make your Stick Figure Family at
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