Thursday, November 19, 2009

HOw was I so BLESSED!!!!

TOnight this is going to be a quick blog because i need to get some sleep have to be up in 6 hours. I would of blogged a few hours ago but i just watched the best movie ever and cried my eyes out! The name of it is My Sister's Keeper and it is by far the best movie i have ever seen and i think i cried the whole time! I'm not gonna give any details away just buy the movie....IT WILL BE WORTH EVERY penny! ANyways enough of that today the boys got to see there baby cousin Jade, they kept following her everywhere walking circles around her. Nick gave her a sippy cup and right away the boys wanted hers, so we gave the boys new ones to make them happy and after that they left hers alone. Then Ashton decided to pitch her cheek daddy sent to time out. He kept getting up but NICK wasn't taken no for an answer and counted the seconds down for him! When he was finished we told him to apologize and give her a kiss he didn't say sorry but did give her kisses! Then a little later Brody hit her on the head with a toy (MEAN BOYS) we sent him to time out and he listened right away didn't have any problems there. After that was over dad told him to go say sorry to his cousin and he did!!!!!!!! What good little boys just wish they would both learn to stop hitting! We got these snow man lights which i talked about in my blog yesterday, I turned them and was dancing with Brody in the living room to the jiggle bells over and over!!! He was cracking up loving every second he was very upset with me when i stopped but i was exhausted and needed to catch my breath! Ashton was sitting on his auntie Amber rockin his body back and forth to the music laughing at brother and i! They are just so much fun and no matter what they always bring a smile to my face!

For Christmas i'm pretty sure we need to buy the boys each a broom because every chance they get they're taking the broom out of the closet trying to sweep the floor for me! Today Brody took the broom out and was pushing it all around the kitchen. It was way to precious, he's gonna be momma's little helper and ASh will be my rebel child! Im gonna be a busy mom trying to keep uo with these little rug rats!

I don't know if i've ever mentioned this in my blogs but Brody is obsessed with babies....Babies inside the tummy! He has been even pointing to my tummy saying baby giving it kisses but i know for a fact i'm not so he just likes them! LOrelle a good long time friend of mine is 29 weeks pregnant with twin girls and Brody loves to be right next to her touching her belly every time she is around. AShton does to but he is alot more rough then Brody he likes to poke and pitch her belly to get a reaction! Brody is gentle likes to kiss, rub and talk to her belly! It's so sweet watching him love on her and the babies! He is so much like his daddy has a heart filled with so much love and kindness! Ashton is just very rebelllious stubborn child and likes to do anything he knows he shouldn't be! He snuggles and loves when he wants to but only then and he likes to be in control of every situation! Hmm....Just like his mommy! OK thats it for tonight im exhausted! Good NIGHt!!!!! :)

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