Sunday, November 15, 2009

THe 4 Hour FLU

IT's been about a week since i've blogged and i have alot to say. Yesterday i woke up to my little monster AShton crying...I went in his room and realized he puked all over his crib. I felt so bad for my little man, then he ended up puking all over our bed and daddy! But mom gave him milk and that wasnt smart on my part i should of known better. SO yesterday I had tons of laundry and was folding all day long! After puking all over our bed Nick took a bath with both Ash and Bro, they even helped daddy wash his hair. It seemed like 4 hour flu because that was the last time he puked... But i could tell my little man wasnt feeling very good and didnt eat much during the day. I just gave him tons of pedilite all day and snuggled with him. When they laid down for a nap they slept for over 3 hours i was so surprised but i got some sleep as well which was nice.

Then later in the day boys were being little monsters all over the place and in to everything. Brody climbed up on the chair and then climbed on the table. He started doing that a few days ago, SO BIG! The boys of course were terrorizing the house by throwing dvds everywhere ripping their daiper bag apart throwing coach cushions on the floor, even digging through moms make up! IT's like they are never occupied and are always out to ruin something.

SO we decided to take babies out of the house for a little while, we took them shopping. YEah it wasn't much fun for them but then when we got to the store their was a blue car cart that they both were able to sit in together with stealing wheels. They loved it and were all smiles till the end. Then they started throwing fits, i think they were to hot wearing all their snow gear. We planned on letting them play in the snow when we got home but they are like mom and dont like the cold.... Well i mean they dont like their hands getting cold. MY mom took them outside the other day they pulled their gloves off and as soon as they touched the snow they both freaked out and wanted to go back inside. They hate gloves and refuse to wear them for more then a minute. SO we just ended up not playing in the snow because the boys were tired and grumpy! But today we plan on taking them to play outside, hopefully they will both enjoy it!

Oh yeah right now Nick is chasing the boys around with this mask he bought for snow machining. Its a skull mask and for some reason the boys are obsessed with it. We have been trying to keep them out of our computer room by telling the boys there is monsters in their. MEANING THE MASKS! But that makes them want to go in there even more. They will go in find the masks and come out going GGRRrrrrr... They want us to put them on and chase them around the house while they run from us!!!! When we first received the masks in the mail they hated them and wanted nothing to do with them.. But for some reason i think they might enjoy being scared or something because now they love them and look for them every day! But mom was smart enough to hide them in a drawer so they cant find them now! DAd just pulls them out here and there chasing them around! ITs hilarious.....

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