SO the boys definitely aren't sick anymore no puke since night before last! They have been being little brats all day! But then again boys will be boys and they do whatever they have to do to get our attention! Today was a busy day for daddy and i, we organized tons of our junk and set up our brand new Christmas tree! ITs green with white frost and its absolutely gorgeous! WE started separating the branches but ran out of video tape so we stopped! I'm extremely excited to capture this holiday season by documenting and taping all our activities! This is our first year that we are all together(with babies) for the holidays so its very special to us! Putting the tree together and finding room was definitely a challenge but we made it happen! After the tree was finally up there was frost all over everything including us. I vacuumed for a while and some but when we were finally finished it looked beautiful and clean! While we were cleaning boys were occupying themselves by digging through the Christmas decorations we just bought. They were extremely excited about these snow man lights that sing blink and light up. PLus they are battery operated so babies kept pushing the button dancing to the music! IT was adorable till i turned my back and next thing i new Brody was screaming bloody murder. AShton bit the crap outta of Brody's cheek. Right below his eye, worst bite i have ever seen one of them do! It looked horrible i was so upset with Ashton because they should know better by now. I gave AShton some hot sauce and flicked his mouth, I accidently made him bleed and felt really bad about that! He didn't like that at all but he knows the consequences by now. THen 5 minutes later i here AShton screaming so i go over to see what's wrong and Brody bit Ashton's leg. I couldn't believe it so i did the same thing to Brody (Except making him bleed) and he was so not at all happy about that. I think he was thinking "mom look what brother did to me he deserved that" but know he should know better by now to! Two wrongs don't make a right, these boys have been walking all over me and some! Then daddy was in the computer room organizing and here comes Ashton...He started pulling daddy's hair! I thought it was pretty funny just smiled and walked out of the room. IT's so hard not to smile at those little moments because they are so cute and innocent. I just think to myself im definitely gonna have my hands full...Oh wait i do have my hands full!!!!!! Oh and then that wasn't the last of ashton he went into the kitchen and was digging in the silver drawer taking stuff out! The childproof latch broke!
Nick and I decided to start a Christmas tradition for the boys by giving a few of their toys away every year to toys for tots! We really want the boys to understand that Christmas is about giving not receiving!!!!! We want them to give a few toys away to the needy every year. I think it will help them on understanding to share and be grateful for what they have...I want them to know there are other kids & families out their who aren't as lucky and that they are making a difference in someone else's life by giving. I want them to cherish the holidays and the memories we make together as a family! That's another reason why i like to blog so when the boys are older they will be able to look back on this and know how important and loved they are! We also are doing another tradition with those little houses that light up cant remember the name off the top of my head but every year we will buy one more to add on to our collection! This year we bought a beautiful light house, our first one! And of course every year we'll buy ornaments for the boys and for each other!!!! Way to excited for Christmas to get here, can't freaking wait!!!!
Later in the afternoon grandma colleen (Nick's MOM) came over to help out! She fed the boys there lunch while i jump into the shower! Of course boys were having spaghetti and grandma decided to give them their own bowls BIG ones to! When i got out of the shower and walked into the kitchen i couldnt believe my eyes! SPAGHETTI was everywhere and i mean everywhere. All over them the floor the walls their clothes everywhere......I've cleaned many messes but i think this one definitely topped them all. Grandma was good to me and cleaned it up! THanks MOM!
Tonight the boys were being a little clingy ok maybe more than a little. They wouldn't leave me alone and wanted me to hold them both. And when i didn't hold them they would definitely find a way to get my undivided attention. By climbing on the dining room chairs and then climbing on the table. Or turning the tv off when im watching my favorite show that i watch every Tuesday night. Brody kept climbing onto the table trying to steal candy out of the candy jar, i caught him as he took the lid off!!!!! That little stinker has a sweet tooth just like his mommy! I gave them a bath to distract them for a little while so i could clean and that worked well like usual! My boys love bath time they jump and run to the door as soon as i ask if they want one!
I laid my angels down at 10pm then chatted for a bit. About an hour after putting them to bed Ashton woke up, i picked him up to comfort him and see what he needed. He wanted a sippy cup and was a little wet, so i got him some water changed him and laid him down with me on my chest! He rolled around a few times trying to get comfortable but finally did and fell back asleep within a few minutes! I snuggled with my baby for a bit then laid him back in his crib! LOve my little BOYS so much I thank god everyday for blessing me in this wonderful life with my family!!!!!
Later in the afternoon grandma colleen (Nick's MOM) came over to help out! She fed the boys there lunch while i jump into the shower! Of course boys were having spaghetti and grandma decided to give them their own bowls BIG ones to! When i got out of the shower and walked into the kitchen i couldnt believe my eyes! SPAGHETTI was everywhere and i mean everywhere. All over them the floor the walls their clothes everywhere......I've cleaned many messes but i think this one definitely topped them all. Grandma was good to me and cleaned it up! THanks MOM!
Tonight the boys were being a little clingy ok maybe more than a little. They wouldn't leave me alone and wanted me to hold them both. And when i didn't hold them they would definitely find a way to get my undivided attention. By climbing on the dining room chairs and then climbing on the table. Or turning the tv off when im watching my favorite show that i watch every Tuesday night. Brody kept climbing onto the table trying to steal candy out of the candy jar, i caught him as he took the lid off!!!!! That little stinker has a sweet tooth just like his mommy! I gave them a bath to distract them for a little while so i could clean and that worked well like usual! My boys love bath time they jump and run to the door as soon as i ask if they want one!
I laid my angels down at 10pm then chatted for a bit. About an hour after putting them to bed Ashton woke up, i picked him up to comfort him and see what he needed. He wanted a sippy cup and was a little wet, so i got him some water changed him and laid him down with me on my chest! He rolled around a few times trying to get comfortable but finally did and fell back asleep within a few minutes! I snuggled with my baby for a bit then laid him back in his crib! LOve my little BOYS so much I thank god everyday for blessing me in this wonderful life with my family!!!!!
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