Sunday, November 29, 2009

ThanksGiving such a THANKFUL time of Year

The next night we went over to my grandparents for another wonderful feast. We all were there plus two more Janet and Barbara who live with my grandparents. DInner was so good Grandma did a wonderful job she made turkey, stuffing, salad, mashed potatoes gravy and more! Plus she made desert and the boys their favorite broccoli & cheese. It was a totally different meal from last night but it a good way... It felt so nice not to have to make dinner for the last two days, it was like a break from reality. I ate left overs again for sure, and more of my momma's famous apple pie! THe boys were being pretty picky at dinner they didnt want to sit still. I think them not having high chairs or booster seats effected them bouncing around not eating much, they were missing that sense of security. At dinner AShton started carrying a woodle stepping stool around everywhere with him such a macho man. They boys were both so excited to see a new dog!!! Not to mention he was huge a so fluffy babies kept chasing after him squeezing him. Janet this lady my grandparents care for is totally in love with dogs so they have 3 dogs and some ceramic ones around. Outside on the porch there's these 2 ceramic dogs that the boys wouldnt stop talking to and they were at the door waiting for us to let them in! For a little while my mom did bring them in so babies could play with them but after ten minutes we out them back outside thought for sure boys were gonna break them. THey're so freaking cute but i dont think they realize how rough they are sometimes. SO this year i decided with the idea from a wonderful friend meggan to do thankful cards for thanksgiving as a tradition from this year forward. I gave everyone in my family a flash card with the question what is one thing you are thankful for? After we all finished we went around the table saying what we were thankful for, i recorded all of us as we spoke. I definitely loved the idea of doing this & almost didnt because i hadn't printed the cards yet. Then I decided just to have everyone write down what they were thankful for because i could just make the cards in a few days!!!! Eventually I would like to make an album of some sort or frame them!

WE had a really good dinner, the turkey made me so sleepy! I fell asleep on Nick for a little while but had to get up and go home to try to get a little sleep before going shopping at 4am BLACK FRIDAY here we come!

FRIDAY November 27, 2009- BLACK FRIDAY
WE were running around like chickens with our heads chopped off. Nick my mom and i all woke up at 3:30am drove separate cars into anchorage to Christmas shop. Amber Nicks sister watched the boys for us, thank you love. Honestly we had such a busy long crazy day and by the end of it i was an emotional wreck. On our way there i break checked on the highway and about wrecked my car. I was rushing myself like usual and just wanted to see how slick the roads were....and by the way they were bad...But even worse on the way home. It snowed most the day, not to mention i dont have snow tires on my car so the ride home was extremely scary! The stores were craziness and the lines at Walmart were insanely long. We sat in line for at least an hour people were ruthless and some even cut others in line. No respect i swear i said something to this guy who cut, he asked me if i was the Walmart line police. I got so pissed off and told him to F off. It's like they dont even care and some people were standing in line for over an hour. I got very frustrated with shopping by the end of it i was so ready to go home. But im pretty happy with everything we got and we are done Christmas shopping for the boys. WE spoiled them rotten cant wait to see their eyes light up Christmas morning. It was a long day and im glad to say its over with because i felt a little overwhelmed. After we came home i asked Nick not to bring in babies xmas gifts because i new if they saw them they'd want to open them. And of course they kept going in the computer room so we decided to open one gift!!!! Nick and I really wanted to see one of the Harleys put together so we decided to open just one! Their eyes lit up when we took it out of the box boys both kept trying to climb on it roaring like the engine. It was to cute to bad the battery had to be charged for 18 hours so they weren't able to drive it. That didnt matter to them at all still they both were enjoying rocking it back and forth on it roaring!!!! It was a stressful day but it ended with a smile!

DAddy and i took a little break from parenthood for the day to enjoy one of our many hobbbies that we only get to do for a few months out of the year. I went up to Hatchers Pass with a few friends to snowboard and Nick went snow machining with Sampson. I had so much fun but definitely am feeling the aches and pains today for sure. It was the first time i went boarding up at Hatchers but it was a lot of fun. Went down the mountain three times didnt leave till daylight was over. On our way home i couldnt find my camera, i thought for sure i lost it on the mountain. We stopped and i looked everywhere in the back of the truck but had no luck.. I felt my heart sink to my chest and once again i thought i lost something i could never get back. All my thanksgiving picturees with my family! I had to go back up but it was so dark out there was no way i would find it this time of night. Rusty offered to go with me, he said he would board down the mountain with a flash light looking for it! I had to at least try and find it or i wouldn't forgive myself so we went to my house grabbed Nicks car went to freddys to buy a huge flaash light and drove back up Hatchers. He boarded down two times with no luck i was heart broken but so grateful to have such a good friend willing to help me out like that! I was so sore from boarding and new in the morning i would most likely not be able to lift my sons. It was all worth the pain though boarding is such a rush that i needed! When i finally got home my babies wanted to attention the minute i walked through the door. Nick reminded me the battery was charged for there harley so i plugged it in and showed them how it worked! The boys love it, i just wish they had more room to move around. I can only imagine how difficult it will be for them to move around with two Harleys instead of one.

I had to be at my grandparents house around 2pm for lunch. Before leaving Rusty called to inform me he found my camera in the truck. Of course i was very happy he found it but at the same time i felt very bad because he road down the mountain twice for me thinking I had lost it. I for sure owe him lunch soon for going through all that trounble for me. Today was my great grandmas last day in town so we all were getting together one last time to say our goodbyes. Nick wasnt feeling well & hasn't since last night so he stayed home, the boys had just fallen asleep before we had to leave so instead of waking them up i just left them home with nick and went over there for lunch alone. Grandma made a wonderful breakfast for all of us, i loved it and made a plate to bring home for my boys! We chatted for awhile and ate lunch...Then i got a call i wasnt at all expecting to get, a good friend of nicks and mine past away last night. I guess he mixed drugs and alcohol, i couldnt freaking believe what i was hearing. A life can be taken so quickly our time on earth is so precious and fragile. Neil Weaver you will never be forgotten and always remain in our hearts. I am thankful to have known you and am so grateful to say our last memory of you was you happy and clean. We love you buddy watch over us my friend, till we meet again! I cherish every moment i have with my family knowing it could be the last! Life is so short you never know when you will live your last day so live everyday to your fulliest!

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm SO Thankful For my WOnderful Family & FriendS!

WEDNESDAY November 25, 2009- DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING THis week has by far been the busiest week we've had in a very long time. I had to work of course both today and tomorrow. AND took Friday off so i could go Christmas shopping for the boys! My momma watched the boys over at her house for the first time in awhile it's a lot easier to watch them over here because they have everything they need here. Not to mention over at grandmas there is a ton of breakables stairs and dog food for them to eat! She had to cook our Thanksgiving feast while keeping the boys entertained the hole time. THe boys had a blast at Grandma's as usual i have no idea how she was able to cook a huge meal and take care of them till 5:30pm but she some how managed to pull it off. I guess the boys wouldnt leave grandpa alone they kept following him able I got off work at 3 but had therapy from 4 to 5 so instead of coming all the way to Palmer to pick the boys up and then bring them back for dinner. I just left them their with her while i went, i felt so bad though i knew she was worn out and i didnt want to leave her with them any longer then i had to. Honestly I'm so thankful for my mom she is the most amazing strong loving person i know and i pray i can be half the grandma that she is! If i didnt have her help honestly i dont know what i would do but she is such a wonderful mom and grandma! For dinner she made ham, deviled eggs, potatoes, all sorts of veggies with dip, my favorite rasberry jello with applesauce crushed pineapple, rasberries topped with cool whip. Plus we had a wonderful desert 2 pumpkin pies and 1 yummy apple pie. The dinner was more then good it was so DELICIOUS i ate at least 2 full plates plus 2 pieces of pie! We all ate around the table together which in the last couple years before we hadn't been able to because our other table wasn't big enough to fit all of us. My grandparents came to dinner as well as my great grandma who flew all the way from California to spend Thanksgiving with us. We were all extremely thankful she was able to come up during the holidays and spend time with us! We had a wonderful dinner and the night ended very well.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today WOre MOmmA OUT!!!!!

Today we had such a long busy day babies wore momma out. Before i get into today's blog im gonna blog about what my boys did yesterday because it was hilarious. They decided to run around with buckets on their heads. Nick has these paint bucket liners in our computer room for work and they get into everything so thought it would be fun to wear them as hats. It was adorable although they're HUGE and covered their whole heads. The funniest part was when they both started running straight towards eachother and fell down! It was pretty funny know tears from either they just took their buckets off and both started laughing looking at me while i was laughing. Of course they weren't done ran around the house some more taking buckets on and off. Then playing peek a boo and saying "PEEK A BOO." Gotta love em. I didn't get any pictures but did record them! I'm sure that wasn't the last time they will run around the house with those on!

Now im gonna talk about today it was sooooooo long i thought it would never end & It still hasnt but at least we're home! I took a long time friend to her 30 week check up appt. carrying twin girls whom i cant wait to finally meet. Im so anxious about their arrival, today i got to see them on the ultrasound for the first time! It was so exciting and brought me back to so many memories of being pregnant with the boys. WOuld love to have me a little girl! :( BUt nick wont give me one for a long time, he is burnt out already and we just got started.......hehehehehe. OK so enough about all that AShton was a wild child today i got very upset with him a few times and got sick of his little fits he kept throwing. Brody was pretty much an angel most the day i cant even really remember anything he did wrong because i think he stayed pretty calm and content most the day. The first thing AShton did was when we got to the doctors we were in the bathroom changing the boys, changed Brody first. I looked over and Ashton was leaning down about to look underneath the stall where some women was using the bathroom. He's never tired to do that before i was embarassed but couldnt help but laugh. A while ago he did crawl out of a dressing room when i was in the middle of changing and ran from me. Then after i changed them we went into the room and boys were pretty good for the most part, alot better then i expected they'd be. I also didnt realize after her ultrasound we still had to go into another room to talk to the doctor then to another appt after that. But babies and i stayed in the car for that one because they were sleeping! I brought snacks for them and by the time we were only done with the first half they ate everything i had brought. Which was a pp&j sandwich a little snack bag of fruit loops and a snack bag of cheeze its. When we were about to leave the room i went to change Brody and of course AShton freaked cuz i left him so i opened the door to let him follow us! I changed Brody looked over at Ashton with his head half way in the toilet grabbing the toilet seat and he was even talking to it! I was so grossed out couldnt believe he acually did that! Definitely had to wash his hands after that one! AFter the bathroom we were all done with the first appt so we sat back in the waiting room till the doctor came to get us! The appt went all good boys had a sucker at the end and as we were trying to leave babies were running alll down the halls like crazy animals with stickers all over them! One of the CMA's there gave babies stickers! We left the appt. and babies they fell right to sleep for their afternoon nap! It was off to the next appt then food then burlingtons to kinda window shop for black friday needed to get some ideas and try on a few outfits! As we were attempting to try on outfits Ashton started throwing a fit! He wanted to run around and have me chasing after. SO while Lorelle was trying on some stuff with Brody i followed AShton around a little bit. He started going in dressing rooms slamming the doors and kept trying to look underneath the dressing rooms while girls were changing! I couldnt believe it he was all over the place and woukdnt stop being a pain.....(a kid) i couldnt control him without a huge temper tantram. Finally she was done so i took Ashton in with me cuz Lorelle definitely didnt want to deal with running from her. As i was changing he crawled out of the changing room twice, i gave up decided to just put the clothes down buy a couple halloween decorations and get out of their before i pulled my hair out. I was in line to buy them with both the boys in one cart i looked over at Brody as he threw one of the pumpkin decorations out onto the floor. Of course it had to break and shattered everywhere. I had enough by this point picked up most the peices put back the other pumpkin and took the boys out to car. IT was a long day babies were so ready to go home.....And they did eat dinner in chase your wondering!!!!!! DIdn't get into Wasilla until 9:30pm it felt like forever but it was a good day was glad to see the girls for the first time! Good night!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

CRazy Little MOnkeys

The boys have been being little monkeys. Brody has been climbing on the dining room chairs every chance he gets and then climbing on the table. I found him on the table yesterday in the candy jar. He got a jaw breaker out and managed to open it attempting to eat it. It was everywhere all over him his clothes face and the table. He loves to get up on the table and get into anything and everything even though he knows he isnt suppose to. Ashton isnt as bad at climbing on the table but he does try and sometimes is successful but not as often as Brody. Brody hit me in the mouth with a toy and gave me a bloody lip, i know he didnt mean to but it hurt pretty bad. Then the boys were dancing to the jiggle bells in the living room and Ashton was playing with this singing penquin. It's so freaking adorable i bought it from walmart a few days ago it's a cute penquin holding a snowglobe that has styrofoam balls inside that blow around when you turn it on. It sings lights up and says happy holidays inside. It's way adorable and the boys love it Ashton was playing with it non stop till he broke the arm off, so i put it up! He was so mad at me and through a huge fit but im tired of them breaking everything i buy!

A little Later in the afternoon I went to a class to make greeting cards at Alison's for Christmas, I took the boys with me. When we got there babies had just fallen asleep for their afternoon nap in stead of waking them up Tauna was with me so i had her call my phone i left it in my car and we left hers on speaker phone so when they woke up we would hear them. They slept for a little over an hour made a few noises but slept pretty good. When they woke up i was just starting my second card and i new having them with me it wasnt gonna be very easy to make 8 more. First i grabbed AShton brought him in and then went to grab Brody when i came back inside Ashton was screaming. All he wanted was mommy and wasnt at all happy that i grabbed brother. The boys were nervous being in a new place they both were holding on to me pretty tightly and woudn't let loose. I snuggled them both for a few minutes then tried to put them down but they weren't having it both started crying right away! We gave them some candy TAuna wouldn't hand it over till they said please it took them awhile but Brody said it first then Ashton. They started warming up a little looking around the room observing everything! I showed the boys where another little baby was they touched baby and said "BABY" they love to play with babies. I was able to finish my second card but by the time i did it was already 4pm and i had a pot roast at home cooking. So i decided 2 was enough for now and we packed up to head home. On our way we stopped by Grandma and Grandpas to say hi! The boys were extremely happy to see my parents and were full of smiles! AFter that we went home to see daddy and make dinner had a good night hanging out at home as a family! We were going to decorate the xmas tree but daddy was very tired hadn't gone to bed yet and had to work all night. So we just put our new angel on the tree and hopefully we will decorate when i get home from work later today! Ashton really wanted to play with the angel he kept pointing at it and talking you could tell he was trying to figure out how he could climb up the tree to grab it. Our boys have such unique personalities and you can most definitely tell who takes after who!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

HOw was I so BLESSED!!!!

TOnight this is going to be a quick blog because i need to get some sleep have to be up in 6 hours. I would of blogged a few hours ago but i just watched the best movie ever and cried my eyes out! The name of it is My Sister's Keeper and it is by far the best movie i have ever seen and i think i cried the whole time! I'm not gonna give any details away just buy the movie....IT WILL BE WORTH EVERY penny! ANyways enough of that today the boys got to see there baby cousin Jade, they kept following her everywhere walking circles around her. Nick gave her a sippy cup and right away the boys wanted hers, so we gave the boys new ones to make them happy and after that they left hers alone. Then Ashton decided to pitch her cheek daddy sent to time out. He kept getting up but NICK wasn't taken no for an answer and counted the seconds down for him! When he was finished we told him to apologize and give her a kiss he didn't say sorry but did give her kisses! Then a little later Brody hit her on the head with a toy (MEAN BOYS) we sent him to time out and he listened right away didn't have any problems there. After that was over dad told him to go say sorry to his cousin and he did!!!!!!!! What good little boys just wish they would both learn to stop hitting! We got these snow man lights which i talked about in my blog yesterday, I turned them and was dancing with Brody in the living room to the jiggle bells over and over!!! He was cracking up loving every second he was very upset with me when i stopped but i was exhausted and needed to catch my breath! Ashton was sitting on his auntie Amber rockin his body back and forth to the music laughing at brother and i! They are just so much fun and no matter what they always bring a smile to my face!

For Christmas i'm pretty sure we need to buy the boys each a broom because every chance they get they're taking the broom out of the closet trying to sweep the floor for me! Today Brody took the broom out and was pushing it all around the kitchen. It was way to precious, he's gonna be momma's little helper and ASh will be my rebel child! Im gonna be a busy mom trying to keep uo with these little rug rats!

I don't know if i've ever mentioned this in my blogs but Brody is obsessed with babies....Babies inside the tummy! He has been even pointing to my tummy saying baby giving it kisses but i know for a fact i'm not so he just likes them! LOrelle a good long time friend of mine is 29 weeks pregnant with twin girls and Brody loves to be right next to her touching her belly every time she is around. AShton does to but he is alot more rough then Brody he likes to poke and pitch her belly to get a reaction! Brody is gentle likes to kiss, rub and talk to her belly! It's so sweet watching him love on her and the babies! He is so much like his daddy has a heart filled with so much love and kindness! Ashton is just very rebelllious stubborn child and likes to do anything he knows he shouldn't be! He snuggles and loves when he wants to but only then and he likes to be in control of every situation! Hmm....Just like his mommy! OK thats it for tonight im exhausted! Good NIGHt!!!!! :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Brody's poor bite mark!!! Thanks brother
Messy BOYS

Our beautiful Xmas tree

SO the boys definitely aren't sick anymore no puke since night before last! They have been being little brats all day! But then again boys will be boys and they do whatever they have to do to get our attention! Today was a busy day for daddy and i, we organized tons of our junk and set up our brand new Christmas tree! ITs green with white frost and its absolutely gorgeous! WE started separating the branches but ran out of video tape so we stopped! I'm extremely excited to capture this holiday season by documenting and taping all our activities! This is our first year that we are all together(with babies) for the holidays so its very special to us! Putting the tree together and finding room was definitely a challenge but we made it happen! After the tree was finally up there was frost all over everything including us. I vacuumed for a while and some but when we were finally finished it looked beautiful and clean! While we were cleaning boys were occupying themselves by digging through the Christmas decorations we just bought. They were extremely excited about these snow man lights that sing blink and light up. PLus they are battery operated so babies kept pushing the button dancing to the music! IT was adorable till i turned my back and next thing i new Brody was screaming bloody murder. AShton bit the crap outta of Brody's cheek. Right below his eye, worst bite i have ever seen one of them do! It looked horrible i was so upset with Ashton because they should know better by now. I gave AShton some hot sauce and flicked his mouth, I accidently made him bleed and felt really bad about that! He didn't like that at all but he knows the consequences by now. THen 5 minutes later i here AShton screaming so i go over to see what's wrong and Brody bit Ashton's leg. I couldn't believe it so i did the same thing to Brody (Except making him bleed) and he was so not at all happy about that. I think he was thinking "mom look what brother did to me he deserved that" but know he should know better by now to! Two wrongs don't make a right, these boys have been walking all over me and some! Then daddy was in the computer room organizing and here comes Ashton...He started pulling daddy's hair! I thought it was pretty funny just smiled and walked out of the room. IT's so hard not to smile at those little moments because they are so cute and innocent. I just think to myself im definitely gonna have my hands full...Oh wait i do have my hands full!!!!!! Oh and then that wasn't the last of ashton he went into the kitchen and was digging in the silver drawer taking stuff out! The childproof latch broke!

Nick and I decided to start a Christmas tradition for the boys by giving a few of their toys away every year to toys for tots! We really want the boys to understand that Christmas is about giving not receiving!!!!! We want them to give a few toys away to the needy every year. I think it will help them on understanding to share and be grateful for what they have...I want them to know there are other kids & families out their who aren't as lucky and that they are making a difference in someone else's life by giving. I want them to cherish the holidays and the memories we make together as a family! That's another reason why i like to blog so when the boys are older they will be able to look back on this and know how important and loved they are! We also are doing another tradition with those little houses that light up cant remember the name off the top of my head but every year we will buy one more to add on to our collection! This year we bought a beautiful light house, our first one! And of course every year we'll buy ornaments for the boys and for each other!!!! Way to excited for Christmas to get here, can't freaking wait!!!!

Later in the afternoon grandma colleen (Nick's MOM) came over to help out! She fed the boys there lunch while i jump into the shower! Of course boys were having spaghetti and grandma decided to give them their own bowls BIG ones to! When i got out of the shower and walked into the kitchen i couldnt believe my eyes! SPAGHETTI was everywhere and i mean everywhere. All over them the floor the walls their clothes everywhere......I've cleaned many messes but i think this one definitely topped them all. Grandma was good to me and cleaned it up! THanks MOM!

Tonight the boys were being a little clingy ok maybe more than a little. They wouldn't leave me alone and wanted me to hold them both. And when i didn't hold them they would definitely find a way to get my undivided attention. By climbing on the dining room chairs and then climbing on the table. Or turning the tv off when im watching my favorite show that i watch every Tuesday night. Brody kept climbing onto the table trying to steal candy out of the candy jar, i caught him as he took the lid off!!!!! That little stinker has a sweet tooth just like his mommy! I gave them a bath to distract them for a little while so i could clean and that worked well like usual! My boys love bath time they jump and run to the door as soon as i ask if they want one!

I laid my angels down at 10pm then chatted for a bit. About an hour after putting them to bed Ashton woke up, i picked him up to comfort him and see what he needed. He wanted a sippy cup and was a little wet, so i got him some water changed him and laid him down with me on my chest! He rolled around a few times trying to get comfortable but finally did and fell back asleep within a few minutes! I snuggled with my baby for a bit then laid him back in his crib! LOve my little BOYS so much I thank god everyday for blessing me in this wonderful life with my family!!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another 4 hour flu?? COuld it be? OR do my ANGELS have a bug!!!?

SO i thought for sure AShton just had an upset stomach yesterday & today he is fine. But tonight Brody started puking... He puked on his dad and all over our clean sheets i had just made our bed an hour prior! Then a half an hour later he was laying on me i heard him gag so i jumped up to run him to the bathroom but didnt make it in time. He puked on the hall rug the bathroom rug and in the sink, POOR baby!!!!! BUt so far only twice just like his brother did yesterday! Except he had alot more puke then Ashton did! He might not be done yet either wont know till he either wakes up in the night or morning! I pray my little guys aren't getting sick thats the last thing we need! Two babies puking everywhere & they dont know any better, i bet it kinda scares them! Brody was looking at me like whats going on mom. I just rubbed his back and said "its ok baby you just have a tummy ache." Then after he was finished i snuggled with him till he fell asleep! He fell asleep laying on my tummy it was picture perfect but i didnt have a camera! TO BAD at least i can blog about it! ANyways i've been doing laundry all day went sledding scrap booking blogging cleaning and more. Im exhausted so im gonna hit the sack and try to get some sleep before one of my monsters wakes up!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

FUn day IN the SNOW & ShOppiNG for X-MAs DECORATIONS

OH wow i am burnt out from running the boys up and down Grandma & Grandpa's street on a sled! Today we had a pretty productive day as a family and it went well! First we all went to target for a sled....We ended up spending 200.00 on a sled and a bunch more x-mas decorations. The boys literally said "HI" to everyone we passed! THen they both started getting really ancy and didnt want to be strapped in any longer. Instead off them both throwing a huge fit in the store we let them run wild. And they did just that i chased one and nick chased the other. Then while we were getting ready to leave i was putting all of our stuff on the check stand. When all of the sudden both the boys ran from Nick. He caught Ashton but lost Brody! He started running right but then some guy yelled know he is to your left! I hate that feeling when you lose you child, i always fear the worst! BUt he was found without a scratch! HAHHAhahhh... But Nick decided to take the boys out to the car while i was checking out because they were both very rambucious and refused to listen!

After the store we headed over to my parents house in palmer to take the boys sledding. We planned on dragging them and me on the sled behind nick on his snowmachine.....THe boys like the sled but when they heard daddy's snow maachine they both started screaming i new they weren't going to like the noise! Daddy took Ashton on a ride around the block he was a little hesitant at first but loved it didnt want to get off. Then daddy was gonna take Brody aalone but Ashton wasn't having it and just wanted to ride with dad to. SO he took both the boys around for a few minutes, they both had a good time! FAces were cold and red but it didnt seem to bother them one bit. I took them off the snowmachine so Nick could go out on the trails and ride fast. They weren't happy about that at all but they were cold so i figured i would take them inside to warm them up or at least try to. But no way they started tripping so i took them back outside put them in the sled and ran up and down the road a few times with them! They really seemed to enjoy it! It wore me out pretty quick but it was also extremely cold outside! I was gonna wait for NIck and then pull them behind the snow machine but we had been outside for a while already, both boys had red faces and snot running down the faces. So i took them in and warmed them up! As soon as they heard dad drive up they started freaking out pointing to the door. They wanted to go ride it again, but their really isn't enough snow to ride right now and i wasn't about to get them dressed in all their gear again! It was a good day and i was glad we were able to play in the snow as a family for the first time! Now we are at home, i'm doing laundry cleaning up and making speghetti for dinner! Boys are both entertaining them selves digging through their toy box!

THe 4 Hour FLU

IT's been about a week since i've blogged and i have alot to say. Yesterday i woke up to my little monster AShton crying...I went in his room and realized he puked all over his crib. I felt so bad for my little man, then he ended up puking all over our bed and daddy! But mom gave him milk and that wasnt smart on my part i should of known better. SO yesterday I had tons of laundry and was folding all day long! After puking all over our bed Nick took a bath with both Ash and Bro, they even helped daddy wash his hair. It seemed like 4 hour flu because that was the last time he puked... But i could tell my little man wasnt feeling very good and didnt eat much during the day. I just gave him tons of pedilite all day and snuggled with him. When they laid down for a nap they slept for over 3 hours i was so surprised but i got some sleep as well which was nice.

Then later in the day boys were being little monsters all over the place and in to everything. Brody climbed up on the chair and then climbed on the table. He started doing that a few days ago, SO BIG! The boys of course were terrorizing the house by throwing dvds everywhere ripping their daiper bag apart throwing coach cushions on the floor, even digging through moms make up! IT's like they are never occupied and are always out to ruin something.

SO we decided to take babies out of the house for a little while, we took them shopping. YEah it wasn't much fun for them but then when we got to the store their was a blue car cart that they both were able to sit in together with stealing wheels. They loved it and were all smiles till the end. Then they started throwing fits, i think they were to hot wearing all their snow gear. We planned on letting them play in the snow when we got home but they are like mom and dont like the cold.... Well i mean they dont like their hands getting cold. MY mom took them outside the other day they pulled their gloves off and as soon as they touched the snow they both freaked out and wanted to go back inside. They hate gloves and refuse to wear them for more then a minute. SO we just ended up not playing in the snow because the boys were tired and grumpy! But today we plan on taking them to play outside, hopefully they will both enjoy it!

Oh yeah right now Nick is chasing the boys around with this mask he bought for snow machining. Its a skull mask and for some reason the boys are obsessed with it. We have been trying to keep them out of our computer room by telling the boys there is monsters in their. MEANING THE MASKS! But that makes them want to go in there even more. They will go in find the masks and come out going GGRRrrrrr... They want us to put them on and chase them around the house while they run from us!!!! When we first received the masks in the mail they hated them and wanted nothing to do with them.. But for some reason i think they might enjoy being scared or something because now they love them and look for them every day! But mom was smart enough to hide them in a drawer so they cant find them now! DAd just pulls them out here and there chasing them around! ITs hilarious.....

Sunday, November 8, 2009


SO for some reason ASHTON AND BRODY havent been listening to me at all these last few days. They both climbed into the oven at least ten times yesterday and they wouldn't take No for an answer... It was so annoying the second i turned my back they were back in the oven trying to cook them selves. I've realized i need to get back the control because lately i dont have it and they are the ones in control of me. LOL..... MAYbe not but it sure feels like it. With them having colds im trying to keep them inside as much as possible. But they are very bored and i am going nuts trying to keep them entertained and running out of ideas quick. Yesterday both grandma's watched them boys one half the day and the other the other half.. MY mom had the first half... SHe put ashton back to bed in only a diaper and when she went to get him out he had taken his diaper off and pooped everywhere. SHe said it wasnt a pretty sight i was pretty grateful to be at work and not the one having to clean it. I did feel bad though i can only imagine how nasty it was. ASh & Bro have been enjoying pulling there diapers off and running around naked. WHen i got home from work i changed Brody didnt put his pants back on right away and as soon as i turned my back he stripped it off and was waving it around. These kids are full of surprises! Today i decided to let them color for a little fun time. I put them both in their boosters sits pushed them up to the table and let them go at it with the crayons. Their paper wasn't staying in place so i taped the paper down! Which seemed to work well and it did occupy by them for a little while but not long! I gave them markers and Brody started writing all over his hands, thank god they're washable. After that i gave them a nice long bath, then i clipped there nails spiked there hair and dressed them in overalls. We just relaxed the rest of the day at home. Then tonight Ashton and Brody wanted to snuggle with mom and dad on the coach. Ash fell asleep in daddy's arms and Brody fell asleep in mine! I love it when they snuggle with us, it doesnt happen very often anymore! I lOve MY BOYS with all my heart and i'm so thankful for all our blessings.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Boys 1st PAINting

Grandma Dyana has been babysitting the boys for us while i work and Nick sleeps due to working nights. Today she did some arts and crafts with Ash and Bro, they loved it. They both painted their 1st paintings and did so well! I even hung them up in the dining room..But will eventually frame them. Then they colored with markers and pens. They had a blast being boys chewing on the markers pens and paints, which didnt at all surprise me. Grandma is definitely their best friend she plays with them till they get tired and spoils them rotten. But what are grandmas for right, she just cherishes every moment she is able to spend with them. I to cherish them and one day the boys will be able to look back at their funny videos with grandma and know exactly how much they mean to her. I've never seen my mom more happy or painless in the last ten years till she's in a room with her grandsons. It's like her heart recharges full of happiness and for that moment she is able to put aside her chronic pain and enjoy life. I look up to my mom she is my hero, my best friend. She's a fighter and she'll never stop fighting to have one more day with her boys! LOve you MOM!!! I'm SO luckY TO have YOU.... THank you FOr everything you do!!!!


Yesterday was a wonderful day full of lots of laughs but by the end of it i was WORN out!!!! Ashton & Brody were full of so much energy all day and were extremely rambunctious, i couldn't seem to keep up with them. Earlier in the day we played tag, it's the boys favorite game i chase them and then they chase me! I growl at them, they laugh so hard....Then i hide behind furniture or doors and scare them! That game is hilarious plus the boys just love it...AND it burns some of their energy! THen later in the day they were running back and forth after each other to the kitchen then to their room just laughing at each other being weirdos. They definitely get their weirdness from mommy but i wouldn't have it any other way! The day wasn't over yet babies decided to take off with daddy's phone for the millionth time and of course they hid it somewhere. We looked everywhere for it but it was no where to be found. NIck ended up leaving for work late, phone less plus having to drive to anchorage. After he left i looked for it some more dumping out their toy boxes several times looking throw laundry and even the trash! But i just had no idea where they could of put it. And a few days prior to that they lost the back to his phone and we still haven't located that either! This morning after Nick came home from work he decided to look once again and ended up finding it. IN between the box spring and our bed skirt! I couldn't believe it I looked around the bed and under but must of looked passed it. Im just glad he found it before he went and bought a new phone! Yesterday my day was full of fun with my sons i enjoyed spending time with them on my last day off!!!!! And they ate like cows all day, proud mommy!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Ashton and Brody had a long weekend, they ate tons of sugar and had a freaking blast... We took them to Raven Hall on Halloween, they played a few games but refused to let loose of their suckers while trying to play golf. Then Ashton started running around grabbing everyones candy bags but daddy told him "NO" which made him very angry and he started throwing a huge fit. I was already having a hard time keeping up with one of them and with Ashton freaking out i just said screw it lets leave. It was so windy outside we ran as fast as we could to the car... WE were going to take the boys trick or treating but it was way to windy outside and the boys still have a little cold. Plus we thought for sure they would freak out if they saw scary costumes so most likely they wouldnt enjoy it. SO we didn't end up taking them but the next day we dressed them up in their cute little dragon costumes and took them trick or treating a day late... We took them to their Aunt MImi's Uncle Sam's and then my parents they enjoyed it and got tons of candy!!! While at grandmas and grandpas they had a blast chasing grandma all around playing pick a boo! They adore their grandma more then anything, and are extremely lucky to have her! It was a good weekend and finally yesterday while the boys were napping Nick and I finished are pumpkins! I had forgotten how much effort it takes to carve one but at last they are finally finished even though it was a day late!!!! THEY still got done and are on our porch lit up! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween because we sure did!