Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Boys 2nd BIrthday

TOday is our baby boys 2nd birthday!!!! THey are toddlers now and growing way to fast for me. We took them to the park today, they road their bikes and played in the park. They had a great time and it was a beautiful hot day. Afterwards we took them shopping bought them cars curtains for their room and outfits for Easter. We met my mom at Sears, she took the boys while we shopped. They love their grandma so much, every time they see her their eyes light up. After shopping we hurried home to lay the boys down for a late nap and then started dinner. We planned a dinner date with Nick's mom Colleen and our friends Oscar, Kayla, beautiful baby Alex and Uncle Ernest. We had such a good night and dinner was of course amazing. We had a bbq and cooked cheese burgers on our new grill. Everyone stayed over till about 10:30pm and it was a wonderful night with very special people whom we love dearly. I cant believe our boys are two years old already. Seriously the time has flown by quicker then i ever imagined it would. But im happy to say the boys are so smart healthy and totally spoiled rotten. I love you AShton AND BroDy Happy Birthday!

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