Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6th Day in Oregon



Today the boys got up ate breakfast and immediately went mud bogging on the four wheeler with Grandpa Kelly! THey had so much fun taking turns when Brody got done riding he was covered from head to toe. SO instead of dirtying up all Ashton's clothes to we just put Brody's jacket and shoes on Ashton. Everyday i swear I'm doing at least 3 loads a laundry or more. When you go on a vacation you think to yourself your free of any responsibilities, well at least i did for a second. But you aren't they tend to follow you where ever you go!!! Later in the afternoon my dad and Nick went kayaking down the river, then we were headed to Ripleys Believe or Not and Wax Works. When they got back from having fun being boys we headed to town. We had no idea that both places we were headed to were already closed. SO after finding that out we decided to go get a bite to eat then head back to the house to watch a movie together as a family. THe boys wouldnt sit still at the restaurant so we had to eat as quickly as possible before they both through fits. Although we had planned to do much more today it was still a very good day and i enjoyed myself. The boys love it out here and I dont think either of them will be very happy when it's time to say our goodbyes!

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