Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Boys 2nd BIrthday

TOday is our baby boys 2nd birthday!!!! THey are toddlers now and growing way to fast for me. We took them to the park today, they road their bikes and played in the park. They had a great time and it was a beautiful hot day. Afterwards we took them shopping bought them cars curtains for their room and outfits for Easter. We met my mom at Sears, she took the boys while we shopped. They love their grandma so much, every time they see her their eyes light up. After shopping we hurried home to lay the boys down for a late nap and then started dinner. We planned a dinner date with Nick's mom Colleen and our friends Oscar, Kayla, beautiful baby Alex and Uncle Ernest. We had such a good night and dinner was of course amazing. We had a bbq and cooked cheese burgers on our new grill. Everyone stayed over till about 10:30pm and it was a wonderful night with very special people whom we love dearly. I cant believe our boys are two years old already. Seriously the time has flown by quicker then i ever imagined it would. But im happy to say the boys are so smart healthy and totally spoiled rotten. I love you AShton AND BroDy Happy Birthday!

Monday, March 29, 2010

OUr Big BOys 2nd Birthday PArty

Today we had the boys birthday party and of course this year we had it at chucky cheese. It was such an incredible day and the boys had way to much fun.. THey were so occupied with all the people games rides and fun they didnt even touch their presents till we got home. IT was a long day we were there from 5-9pm and everyone was so tired by the end of the night. It was weird but the boys were both scared of chucky and last time we came they werent. I didnt get it but neither of them wanted anything to do with him. Especially Brody he starting freaking out when i even got close to him with him in my arms. It was so sad but funny at the same time. I felt bad for chucky cuz my boys were like GO AWAY chucky.....LOL not literally but thats what they were thinking. THe boys loved their cakes and they both kept sticking their little fingers all over them. This year i got them made instead of making them myself. DIdnt have time to do them but they turned out awesome and tasted even better. I'm so happy the boys day turned out perfect and the whole time they were all smiles. A lot of our friends weren't able to make it but it all came together and tons of people did show up. I was stressed all day thinking it was gonna fall apart but it came together and we had such a wonderful time. I am so grateful for all my wonderful friends and family. The boys are so blessed to have so many people who love them so so so much. They are little stud muffins and spoiled rotten. When we got home the boys opened all their gifts and the living room was full of so many toys and wrapping paper. WE almost wished we had opened them their just so we could of avoided the huge mess. But it was nice to open them at home so they could play with them right away. They stayed up till 1am playing with all their new toys. Thank you to everyone who came im so happy we got to spend this day with our family and friends.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oscar & Kayla's Wedding!!!

Today Nick, me and the boys all went to Oscar and Kayla's wedding. It was absolutely gorgeous and made us both tear up! It turned out more then perfect and they both looked so happy. THe whole wedding came together like it was meant to be and how quickly they put it together made it even more beautiful. The minute Kayla walked down the isle I couldnt help but cry for her. It was just so precious watching two people we truly care about getting married. Oscar has been our friend now for over 6 years now and he means so much to us. I'm so happy he finally found his one true love to marry. COngrats to you both you deserve the world and more. I wish you both all the love and happiness you both deserve. It really made me realize i do want to get married soon and we might even start planning our wedding sometime very soon. Life is to short and i want to walk down the isle with my man and say I do. Weddings always make me want one of my own and someday i will get my dream wedding. Hopefully sooner then later! IT was an awesome day with wonderful people and Im so glad we were able to share that memory with our two friends Oscar and KAyla Whaley!!!!!!!! CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH WE LOVE YOU DEARLY!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boys 3rd and 4th Airplane ride :)

SO the first plane ride from CAlifornia to Salt Lake City wasnt to bad. THe boys got their own seat but still wanted to run wild. THey wouldnt sit still for nothing and kept switching back and forth between Nick and I. ONe minute they wanted me the next they wanted daddy. It was stressful at times but nothing like the next airplane ride. This one was a cake walk compared to the next. THe ride lasted about 1 hour and 1/2 so it was quick. WE kept them up all day without a nap hoping and praying they would pass out very soon.... But the plane ride from SAlt LAke City to Anchorage was pure hell and that is know joke. People were plugging there ears due to the boys screaming. They were uncomfortable, grumpy, and tired. THe three things you wish you didnt have to deal with. I felt hopeless like there was nothing mommy could do at this point and in fact there wasnt. Brody was a little more well behaved then AShton and after about an hour or so he crashed out but he did scream a few times and it was sad. Now AShton on the other hand tripped out. He was freaking out kicking screaming non stop for at least 15 minutes. The minutes felt like hours and there was nothing i could do to make him stop. But thank god he finally fell asleep because so many people were upset with us. I really felt bad but at the same time what was i suppose to do. It was a packed flight and there wasnt a free seat on the flight. THey actually were over booked and gave three people a hotel and six hundred dollars credit with delta if they gave up their seats. Nick and I so wanted to take it but we were just ready to get home in our own bed. Even though neither of us had been there before it would of been stressful.. Not to mention we would be flying out the next day in the day time so the boys would of been even more difficult to contain. When we finally arrived in Anchorage i was so anxious to get off the plane and get home i could taste it. Sleeping in our own bed at last felt so amazing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Trip in California

We had a good time in California and for the most part it was beautiful outside. It did rain a few days but it was still warm outside. We spent a lot of our time with Nick's family visiting & had multiple dinner dates. I had a great time getting to know them and was so happy they are got to meet the boys. Jim Nick's dad wanted to take the boys to Chucky Cheese so we could all do something together that everyone could enjoy. SO we decided to take them a few days into our trip after they napped and were well rested. We had such a good time letting loose and playing all the games. The boys absolutely love it their and never want to leave! What was nice about this one was it's a lot different then the one we have back in Alaska so the boys were able to explore new toys. We ended up staying for at least 3 hours and by the time we left everyone was more then ready, except of course the boys. Im really glad we all were able to go do something together as a family. It was a lot of fun and everyone had a smile on their face the whole time which was nice.

Towards the end of our trip Nick Matt the boys and I all went to six flags for a little fun. And man was it fun it was a freaking blast, the time of my life. That was our first time going and i was so grateful i got to go my first time with my family! I couldn't get a smile off my face it was an incredible feeling. First we decided to buy two flash passes so we wouldnt have to stand in line even though it wasnt to busy. Since we had the boys with us we had to take turns on the rides. Nick and I would go then Nick and Matt would go or Matt and I would go. It was a lot of running around and hectic at times but well worth it all. After we got done riding some of roller coasters we decided to take the boys to ride some kiddy rides. There was so many to choose from to bad they were only a couple inches to small to ride alone. It was ok though because 75% of them parents could ride with, so we were able to go with them and it was a lot of fun. Honestly i had a blast riding the roller coasters but more fun riding the kiddy rides with our boys. They had such a good time and LOVED all the rides. They were fearless and wanted to ride every ride. After we got done with that we sat down for a few minutes and watched a bunch of cartoon characters sing and dance on stage. The boys were memorized by them and really enjoyed watching. It was such a gorgeous day outside and man were we happy we decided to drive 2 hours to have a little fun in the sun. WE were starving after having all that fun so we went and ate so good grub then went on a few more roller coasters before the park closed. After eating some and riding the last few rides we realized Ashton lost one of his shoes. So we started looking everywhere for it but never ended up finding it. SO i made a report in the lost in found hoping they would find it but i thought to myself they never will. It was such a incredible day, we were alll pooped my the time we left.

On the drive home Matt's car over heated and we had to stop to put water in it. The boys were so upset the started freaking out when we stopped. They dont like being stuck in their car seats or the car for to long. When we finally got home we were all so happy to kick back and relax! I ended up running to the store to buy Ashton new shoes and was fortunate to find the same ones at Ross. What a DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

CAlifornia was so much fun but by the end up it I was more then ready to get home into my own bed and back on schedule. THe last day was a little sad we went over to Nicks papa and grannies to say our goodbyes and get to the airport. It was so gorgeous outside we didnt want to leave till night time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Boys Second TIme On An Airplane

This morning we woke up way early at my cousin's house visited for a bit ate breakfast and then rushed to the airport to catch our flight. It was a little hectic because we kinda lost track of time from being so tired and didnt leave as early as we should of. SO when we got to the airport i ran inside to check all our bags and Nick took the rental car back. I told him i would just meet him and the boys over at rental returns after i got the bags checked. It didnt take me to long but when i got to rentals Nick said "we forgot bout the toiletry bag in the car" so i had to run it all the way back across the airport upstairs then had to tell someone at the front counter hoping they would be able to stop my luggage and put it inside for me. WHich thank goodness it hadnt went through the xray machine yet. After i got that out of the way Nick met me at check-in so we could give them the boys car seats. This hole time i was sweating so bad and totally rushing like crazy. When we got in line to get through security the line was so long i thought we might be late for the flight. WE some how made it through and boarded the plane at 9:30am.

The flight was short but far from quiet or relaxing. The boys were squirming, being loud, and im sure irritated some of the other people on the plane. This time thought no one was at all rude everyone seemed very understanding. Next to me this teenage girl kept getting poked pitched and touched by Brody. AT one point she was eating some candy and Brody was close to attacking her for some of it. After ten times of her puling it out in front of him, making him crazy. I asked if he could please have one, she was nice enough to share a piece. And Ashton was two seats in front of me making loud noises, funny faces, and of course making messes. My Grandma bought them each these eggs looking paints and coloring books for the plane ride. I had no idea what a mess these could make but they sure did make a huge mess. Brody and Ashton both had paint on their faces, hands and clothes. They had it everywhere pretty much even alll over us, the only good thing is they're suppose to come out of everything. It seemed like it took forever to get there but in reality is was the shortest flight yet, we still have to fly all the way home in the middle of the day. Not at alllll loooking forward to it!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last day in Oregon

So this morning we woke up and got ready to take off from my brothers to head back to Portland to see the rest of my family. It was the prettiest day out so far this week and i so wanted to just go to the beach and enjoy the sun. But we couldn't because we had to meet up with some of my family at Blue park in Portland for a picnic. Plus on our way there to stop in Mcminville to visit with Nick's sister in law Tiffany and his niece and nephew. Saying goodbye to my dad brother sister and sister in law was so hard for me. I tried to hold back my tears but as soon as i hugged my dad the tears started flowing. I couldn't control my emotions and I cried like a baby. We left Newport way later then we had planned so we weren't able to stay in Mcminville for very long. The drive was so beautiful, we stopped a few times to look at the Ocean and take some pictures.

The visit with TIff, Cam, Teegan, and some of the family was good. We visited for a while with everyone then went outside and played in the sun with all the kiddos. There was a little play area for the kids, the boys had a blast. Cameron loved playing with his cousins and wouldnt stand still. We tried to take some pictures all together but he wouldn't cooperate very well. Teegan on the other hand was all smiles and she actually let us love on her. It really bummed us out we couldn't stay to long but my aunt was already on her way to the park and we still had a hour in a half to drive. So we said our goodbyes and continued on our journey.

We got to Blue park at about 4pm, i was so anxious to see a few of my family members who i didnt get to see last week due to them all being sick with the flu. We met up with my aunt Mary, uncle Ted, Cousin Darek, his wife Kristi, baby Luke, my second cousin Makenzi and a couple of their friends. One of them is a professional photographer who wanted to take some pictures of the boys! She does amazing work and i was more then happy to let her take some of them. I didn't know how well they would do though because it aint easy to keep them still for very long. She ended up take at least 100 pictures or more of them. At first they were being difficult and it was a challenge to get them both to look and smile at the same time. I'm pretty positive though out of all the shots she took a few came out way cute. Not to mention there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We stayed at the park eating and visiting for at least 3 hours till the sun went down.

After we left the park we headed to the hospital about 20 minutes away to visit with my sister/cousin Brynda and baby Gibson who's fighting for his life. It was so hard to see him and not break down. But i had to keep strong for her and not cry. I pray he will make it through this tough time and have the life that we all had hoped for. I do have hope he will make a full recovery and believe everything happens for a reason. God knows how your life will play out and he knows when you're suppose to truly die. So with that i have faith in him and the life Gibson Lee will have!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH GIBSON LEE AND BRYNDA DAVIS! Everyone who reads this please pray for these two amazing strong people i love! Thanks!

It was a long day we were all very exhausted from the long drive. We still had to stop by my Aunt Kari's to say our goodbyes to my grandma Betty my Aunt and her boyfriend. The time was flying by and when we got their it was already 8pm. SO we couldnt stay long, my Grandma made all four of us food due to us not eating all day. IT was delicious i love when my grandma makes food. She also bought the boys a couple toys for the ride to California, something i didnt at all expect her to do! But she always seems to know exactly how to put a smile on my face and now the boys to ! :) I love my grandma a lot and hope we all get to see her again very soon! As soon as we left we headed to my cousin Darek's house to finish packing get some sleep and take off early tomorrow morning. It was a long day and im nervous about flying tomorrow, dont know what to expect.