Sunday, February 21, 2010


OUr poor baby boy Ashton started getting sick on Friday the 19th. At first he was coughing so hard he kept vomiting after meals, then he started running a temp a couple hours before bedtime. I hate with our little men get sick but mostly when we have somewhere to go and i cant keep them inside till they get 100% better. So grateful Brody isn't sick yet and pray he doesnt catch what his brother has. Friday i made the boys an appt to see there doctor for Tuesday before we leave and I also made nick and I an appt to get the flu shot. But Saturday Ashton was still sick if not a little worse with out the vomiting, all day we just gave him pedilite and tons of love. At 5:30pm i decided to take him in to the emergency room cuz i would rather be safe then sorry and I hate seeing my baby unhappy. But for the most part he was still happy just a little less active and still had a cough and temp. I took him in and he tripped out when ever the nurses or doctor wanted to touch him. He was so pissed about it and made sure they new he was. The doctor said he had a little lung infection, he gave him some steroids at the hospital and an inhaler for our trip. It actually didnt take as long as i had expected it would so that was very nice. I hate being at the hospital for hours when the doctor only comes in for maybe 3 minutes and then diagnoses them. I'm still taking the boys to their doctor on Tuesday just to make sure nothing else is going on with either of them. HOpe my little man gets batter very soon so he can have a good vacation with the fam bam! CAN'T WAIT :)

ASHTON talking to my MOM on the PHONE!!!! Telling him she loves, she hopes he gets better soon, and goodnight!

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