Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm so bummed about both our boys being sick right before we leave for vacation. First Ashton got sick on Friday then on Sunday i noticed Brody was beginning to also get a little sick. I wanted them to be able to enjoy themselves and not have to be nebulized every few hours while on vacation. We took them to the doctor yesterday and of course both their oxygen levels are a little low as I had expected. They gave us another nebulizer lots of albuterol for both boys and steroids for Ashton because he is a little worse then Brody. Ive noticed sometimes Brody sounds better but only sometimes so i decided to give him steroids as well hoping they will both recover quickly. When i took Ashton to the ER on Saturday the doctor gave him an inhaler and told me it worked just as good as the nebulizer. The first thought that crossed my mind was there is no way he is old enough to understand to suck in and inhale. But the doctor reassured me it would work and i didnt need a nebulizer. And of course it didnt work he wouldn't suck in and didn't understand. When i took them back in to there normal doctor office for a follow up Ashton was already sicker and now Brody was also sick. I told them what they gave me at the ER and they to were like he isnt old enough to use that. I knew i should followed my instinct but doctors think they know best. Even though to me mommies know best for there children and in this matter i did know best. If i would of demanded that he gave me a nebulizer out babies might of never gotten worse.... Next time i will follow my heart and make sure they give them the proper medication. We are leaving tonight and I'm so worried about my babies....NOt to mention it is suppose to rain all week down in Oregon so that's going to make it more difficult for them to fight this sickness. I hope to god they done get any sicker and we are able to enjoy our trip.

Two days ago i called Avtec a college i recently applied for to get my CNA certification and was told i got accepted. I will be starting classes in early April and am so grateful. It's the beginning of a wonderful future for my family and i am truly blessed. This is the beginning of the rest of my life and i cant wait to finally take the next step in my future.

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