Sunday, February 28, 2010

4th Day in Oregon

The 4th day in Oregon we were finally at the Coast...Nick went riding on the sand board and ate shit, he got pulled behind the four wheeler and wreck two times.. I got it all caught on camera and it was pretty hilarious. He also went four wheeling and ended up getting stuck pretty bad. After him being gone about 30 minutes my dad, brother and I all went out looking for him. By the time we found him he was unstuck but muddy as heck from head to toe. It was pretty funny, he's having a blast out here getting dirty. The boys road on the four wheeler some more having a good ole time getting dirty. After we got all done playing in the dirt Nick and I decided to go drive around Newport. It was such a gorgeous day out so we drove down by the bay took some pictures and enjoyed the sun! The hole ride the boys slept so we just kept on driving.

After we got back to my brothers we relaxed and hung out by the fire. A couple hours into the night a hot coal got stuck in Brody's jacket and burnt him pretty bad. So i immediately took the boys inside for the rest of the night. My dad felt bad about the burn but it was no ones fault sometimes things just happen that you dont expect will. Right away the burn was pretty bad and i new tomorrow it would only be worse. So we ended are night and just stayed inside for the rest of it.

Brody slept with his Auntie on the floor and Ashton slept with his daddy on the coach! MOmmy got to sleep all alone and it was a good nights rest for the first time all week!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

3rd Day in Oregon

OUr third day we drove out the to Newport. Last night we stayed in a hotel because it was alot more comfortable then feeling cramped at my Aunt's. Before we leave we drove to my Aunt's to shower and visit with my cousin Justin who didn't make it to the party the night before. On our way to her house Brody threw up everywhere and yes i do mean everywhere. His car seat was full of puke his clothes covered my purse had puke on it as well as the diaper bag. It was a nasty mess but thank god we were only a road away from my Aunts. I was gonna take apart the hole car seat and throw the cover in the washer but instead Grandma cleaned it for me! What a sweet heart, a little extra help sometimes is so nice!!!!! After we all got showered my cousin showed up and we visiting for a little while. They couldnt stay long because they had a bday party to go to but it was a nice visit. I hate being so far away from all my family but someday hopefully we'll be closer. After they left we also got ready to take off headed to Woodburn for a little shopping then to a casino arcade to meet up with Nick's sister in law Tiffany, his Niece Teegan and nephew Cameron. We havent meant Teegan yet, it was so nice to finally see them and meet the newest addition to the family. IT was just our luck that we all went on a vacation to Oregon on the same day except Nick's brother wasnt able to get time off work to be their as well. They were on the way to Newport so after shopping we stopped to visit with them. At first Cameron was really shy but it didnt take him long to warm up. We werent able to stay for to long because by this time it was already getting pretty late and we still had a while to go before getting to my brothers in Siletz but we were just glad to see them. We plan to go back and visit for longer later in the week! We ended up getting to Ryan's at about 9pm, shortly after we got there the boys both road of the four wheeler for their first time with grandpa.... AND OF COURSE THEY LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!

Friday, February 26, 2010

2nd Day in Oregon

The second day in Oregon my Aunt got most the family together and threw a party for us. But earlier in the day my sister, the boys, and I went shopping...more like on a road trip we only ended up going to three places and by then we had to get back to the house. But before we did we went by my Uncle Robert's house so he could meet the boys for their first time. IT was a good visit even though we couldnt stay long it was so good to see him. I haven't seen my Uncle in about 5 years, since my grandma past away. AFter we visited for a bit we headed back to my Aunt's. Everyone started showing up about 7pm and by 7:30pm the house was full of family. We had such a good time visiting and then singing karaoke later in the night. I of course didnt sing but alot of the family did and it was hilarious. I recorded most of the night so we can look back on it later on. The boys both were singing in the microphone but mostly they were just blowing in them. The boys danced with their cousins loved on everyone and had a ton of fun. They were content most the night and didnt bother mom to much.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

1st Day in Oregon

Our first day in Oregon we had a good time. After leaving the airport the boys, my dad, Ryan, Kari Lee, Nick and I went out to breakfast. It was a good breakfast till i realized i lost our video camera which is now gone.... Then Ashton puked everywhere at the restaurant and i mean everywhere. I felt pretty bad for the guy who cleaned it up. The boys tummy is still bothering them and with them being sick i feel so bad. After breakfast we went to my Aunt's house to get settled in. After a little while nick and i decided to go shop a little. We left the boys with their Aunt a couple cousins and grandma. THen we went on our way Nick, my dad, and I. We ended up being out a lot longer then we had expected but we bought a GPS and a video camera. The GPS is amazing and without it i dont think we will be able to find our way around this state.

After shopping we went back to the house for a while then decided to go visit my older sister/cousin Brynda and baby Gibson who is in the hospital. It was sad seeing him in the hospital but he is doing so much better. He is a fighter by far and will make it through this tough time. What doesnt break you only makes you stronger. A few days after he was born and home he stopped breathing and if it wasnt for their dog he most likely wouldnt be with us today! We believe the dog saved his life, Gibson Lee is a fighter and he wont give up on fighting.

After leaving the hospital we got some food and headed back to the house. We just kicked it with some family and all fell asleep! It was a good first day and so far the boys have warmed up to everyone pretty quickly!

Boys First Airplane Ride!

Man where do i begin seriously, so the plane ride wasnt so bad at first. But soon after i had it coming the boys really werent feeling good, they were tired, and it wasnt easy for them to get comfortable in a small space. Nick and I had to sit in different seats he sat in front of me with Ashton and i was behind him with Brody. Not even 20 minutes into the flight a guy sitting in the same row as nick said "Next time leave your kids at home" then i said "EXCUSE ME" he was very rude and told us we were not being good parents. I snapped and said "U SAY ONE MORE WORD TO ME AND IM GONNA SMACK THOSE WORDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH." LOL i thought it was hilarious and of course he shut his mouth. But not even 3 minutes later a flight attendant came up to me and said "threatening someone is assault and it isnt to late to turn this plane around." I was so pissed and basically told them i will slap him if he says one more thing to me. THe rest of the plane ride was quite interesting the look Nick gave me after i went off was priceless, but im sorry no old man is gonna disrespect me and my parenting skills. Off and on the boys were both screaming and couldnt decide if they wanted mom or dad. THe flight was pretty stressful but i was so glad when we finally made it to Oregon. Except i was in such a hurry to get off the plane i left behind our brand new video camera and didnt realize it was gone till bout 1 hour later. I called the airline but of course it was already gone and their wasnt anything i could do about it. We ended up buying the new sony camera because we have to keep track of the vacation on video. Immediately the boys had a bond with their Grandpa and Auntie Kari Lee it was so cute watching them all interact.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm so bummed about both our boys being sick right before we leave for vacation. First Ashton got sick on Friday then on Sunday i noticed Brody was beginning to also get a little sick. I wanted them to be able to enjoy themselves and not have to be nebulized every few hours while on vacation. We took them to the doctor yesterday and of course both their oxygen levels are a little low as I had expected. They gave us another nebulizer lots of albuterol for both boys and steroids for Ashton because he is a little worse then Brody. Ive noticed sometimes Brody sounds better but only sometimes so i decided to give him steroids as well hoping they will both recover quickly. When i took Ashton to the ER on Saturday the doctor gave him an inhaler and told me it worked just as good as the nebulizer. The first thought that crossed my mind was there is no way he is old enough to understand to suck in and inhale. But the doctor reassured me it would work and i didnt need a nebulizer. And of course it didnt work he wouldn't suck in and didn't understand. When i took them back in to there normal doctor office for a follow up Ashton was already sicker and now Brody was also sick. I told them what they gave me at the ER and they to were like he isnt old enough to use that. I knew i should followed my instinct but doctors think they know best. Even though to me mommies know best for there children and in this matter i did know best. If i would of demanded that he gave me a nebulizer out babies might of never gotten worse.... Next time i will follow my heart and make sure they give them the proper medication. We are leaving tonight and I'm so worried about my babies....NOt to mention it is suppose to rain all week down in Oregon so that's going to make it more difficult for them to fight this sickness. I hope to god they done get any sicker and we are able to enjoy our trip.

Two days ago i called Avtec a college i recently applied for to get my CNA certification and was told i got accepted. I will be starting classes in early April and am so grateful. It's the beginning of a wonderful future for my family and i am truly blessed. This is the beginning of the rest of my life and i cant wait to finally take the next step in my future.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


OUr poor baby boy Ashton started getting sick on Friday the 19th. At first he was coughing so hard he kept vomiting after meals, then he started running a temp a couple hours before bedtime. I hate with our little men get sick but mostly when we have somewhere to go and i cant keep them inside till they get 100% better. So grateful Brody isn't sick yet and pray he doesnt catch what his brother has. Friday i made the boys an appt to see there doctor for Tuesday before we leave and I also made nick and I an appt to get the flu shot. But Saturday Ashton was still sick if not a little worse with out the vomiting, all day we just gave him pedilite and tons of love. At 5:30pm i decided to take him in to the emergency room cuz i would rather be safe then sorry and I hate seeing my baby unhappy. But for the most part he was still happy just a little less active and still had a cough and temp. I took him in and he tripped out when ever the nurses or doctor wanted to touch him. He was so pissed about it and made sure they new he was. The doctor said he had a little lung infection, he gave him some steroids at the hospital and an inhaler for our trip. It actually didnt take as long as i had expected it would so that was very nice. I hate being at the hospital for hours when the doctor only comes in for maybe 3 minutes and then diagnoses them. I'm still taking the boys to their doctor on Tuesday just to make sure nothing else is going on with either of them. HOpe my little man gets batter very soon so he can have a good vacation with the fam bam! CAN'T WAIT :)

ASHTON talking to my MOM on the PHONE!!!! Telling him she loves, she hopes he gets better soon, and goodnight!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Everything is Coming together!

These last few months I've been extremely busy but glad to say it's all coming together. We leave for our family vacation in 8 days and we cant wait. I'm nervous about staying at other peoples houses but excited at the same time to get away. I finished the boys digital scrap books yesterday and am so freaking happy they are complete. That was the one thing i wanted to get done before we left. Also today I'm picking up the boys birthday invitations and am passing them out in the next few days. Not to mention i also have a portrait party to plan before we leave. But i have hope ill get it all done before leaving. I haven't had much time to blog about the boys but when we get back from California i will start making more time for my blogging.

Our boys have been being little rug rats and lately they have been in time out every 5 minutes. It's hard staying on top of disciplining them but we've notice they tend to act out more in our home. Maybe cuz they know they get away with more but we need to get to the bottom of it now. They love climbing on the chairs and tables and refuse to stop! Yesterday they climbed up on the table and counters at least 15 times each.

My brother Ryan came to visit and right away the boys fell in love with him, they had an unbreakable bond.. Every time he wasn't around they would look for him and say "UNCLE UNCLE" when he left to go back to Oregon, the boys weren't at all happy about it. I tried explaining to them that he went bye bye but then they wanted to go bye bye to. They are two of a kind with such unique personalities. I told the boys we would see uncle very soon when we fly down to the states in an airplane. Then they pointed outside and said "Vroom Vroom" TO CUTE! :)



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fun WINTER days & nights!

My big brother Ryan come up to visit us for a couple weeks and I'm so stoked. My brother, his long time friend Kevin and I all went snowboarding today and had a freaking blast. I managed to keep up with the boys the hole time which felt great, except now my body is extremely sore and tense. It was awesome flying down the mountain even though i ate it hard a couple times but never gave up just shook it off and kept moving. After we were finished riding we had dinner at our parents house. We met nick and the boys over there after boarding and ate a delicious meal all together.

After dinner i thought it might be fun for the boys to wrap them up in warm clothes, take them outside and let them ride their Harleys in the street. And i was right they were loving it and refused to go inside. It was so windy outside the snow was blowing left and right but the last thing on the boys mind was the weather. They were having such a good time driving their harleys around. After about 45 minutes we decided to take them inside to avoid them getting sick even though they were layered in lots of clothing. They freaked out for taking them in and Brody threw a fit for at least 30 minutes straight. He would not stop crying and kept pointing outside. We even brought the harleys upstairs for them to ride but they were determined to go back outside. After listening to them both wine over and over we decided to take them back out for a little longer. This time they road all the way down to the mailbox and back. As soon as we got back to the drive way we loaded them into the car instead of bringing them back inside. They had a wonderful time and were both tired from all the riding. IT was an awesome day full of snowy adventures!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Little MONSTERS!!!! :)

Our little monsters are full of so much energy and love making mommy and daddy chase after there every move. This week Ashton pooped in his toilet twice my little boy is doing so well. They both love to use the potty but it almost seems like a game to them some times. After they use it and i take them off they freak out because they want to just sit on them. A few times they stuck their hands down in the toilet touching their pee. So nasty but i still think they dont quite understand their toilets aren't one of their toys! We got ones that sing when they pee but i turned them off because the boys kept turning them upside down and would push the button to make them sing. Lately Ashton has been saying "thank you momma" its so freaking cute i absolutely love it whenever he says that to me. He also says it to his daddy here and there. They have been being little monsters this last month or so and its been driving me crazy. They are still biting each other at least once a day and they smack who ever they feel like. I have to say i am so extremely busy trying to keep them calm and entertained. They are wild children and dont like to listen to me or their dad. They are so good for every one else if we aren't around but if we are they tend to act out. I have a feeling it has alot to do with them not being on a schedule like they use to, we are trying to get them back on one as quickly as possible. Life has been very hectic these last couple of months so we are trying very hard to get everything in order.

We leave for vacation to Oregon and California on the 25th of February and are so freaking excited. We will be gone a total of 18 days we cant wait to finally get a break away from work and every thing else. Im so excited to take the boys to see all of our family i can hardly wait.