Saturday, April 9, 2011

My 23rd Birthday!!!! Yaaaaay

I guess the last few years my birthday hasn't really been planned or celebrated like it used to be. With being a mom I kinda forget about myself and just worry bout the boys birthday and holidays! This year my mom took the boys so Nick and I could have some time together. With a few friends we went out to eat at Chepo's, had some drinks. Then later we all went out to the bar and were suppose to go home and sleep but instead partied. And of course I had to work today and it wasn't easy.I was so exhausted and felt like crap. But my birthday fell on a Friday so I had to have a little fun on my day!!!!! We planned on going into Atown tonight, getting a hotel and partying at all the bars. I don't work tomorrow but with how last night went we decided to stay home and rest. :) It was a great birthday I told Nick I didn't want anything but he still bought me something. At dinner, well before he gave me a beautiful diamond heart shaped necklace. It's so pretty, I love it! I was so surprised I almost cried! My parents bought me a bracelet and a couple shirts. And my friend Bethany got me some socks and a gift card to sports authority. I had a pretty good birthday and enjoyed spending time with some good friends and my family. OHHHH I almost forgot the best part my boys went with Michele and bought me roses! It was so sweet and the best birthday gift ever! THANKS BABY BOYS MOMMY LOVES YOU BOTH SO MUCH!

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