Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner @ My Parents House

Tonight we had dinner at my parents house. Nick's mom was there, my Grandparents, Janet who lives with my Grandparents, Ashton, Brody, Nick, my parents, and me. It was a wonderful, delicious dinner as aways when my parents cook! :) Once again everyone got to open some more gifts and that was exciting like it always is.

From My Grandparents:
Nick got a awesome shirt
The boys each got shirts & a book to share
I got shampoo & conditioner
We also got some ornaments for our tree
My dad just a few shirts
My mom got shampoo & conditioner

I already listed what my parents got for the boys in my Christmas morning blog. It was such an amazing Christmas this year well every year we have a great Christmas but this year was the best so far. And the reason why is because the boys are at the age where they are so excited, they know about Santa and get to help out with so much more now. Next year I'm sure will be even better and we can't wait. The boys were so excited about opening more gifts and they loved everything my parents and grandparents got them. Right away they were playing with everything and didn't want to go home without all of them. But we left all their presents there except for there motorcycles because they spend a lot of time there anyways. We don't need anymore toys at our house that's for sure. I'm gonna end this blog by saying I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New year, God Bless.

Christmas Morning

The boys had such an amazing Christmas this year, they must of been good boys. Santa brought them so much cool stuff, they were very excited. Asthon woke up first and a lot of their gifts were put together so he was already playing basketball when we came downstairs. Brody didn't really want to get up but I kept telling him "come downstairs check out what Santa brought you and Ashton." He finally got up and came down. Unwrapped was their imaginarium train table and set which took Santa hours to put together I'm sure. :) Their basketball hoop, some coloring books, and their cars couches. The first things they got to open was their stockings full of all sorts of goodies. They got candy of course but not to much, skittles chap stick, spider man motorcycle with a spiderman to ride on it, another spiderman dude, they each got a movie, pack of 5 cars, tattoos, and some other awesome stuff as well. For Christmas they each got the following.
Dvd Players
Bed Tents
2 Books Full of stories
Remote Control Race Cars (Lightning McQueen)
Bubble Gum Machines
Spiderman & Thor cars/trucks turns into 5 different vehicles
Coloring Buzz Lightyear pad that goes on the wall with magic markers
Toy Story coloring pad/ book with magic markers, you add water to the markers for both coloring pads. Then when you draw the color appears but all you have in your pen is water!!!!! That's why they're magic markers! :)
Carpet with a road to drive cars on
Shoes (Vans)
I know there is more but I really can't think of every little thing right now but it will come to me when I'm not thinking about it.
The boys also their ornaments for the year! Each of them got Elves with their names and the year.

Nick's Dad bought them:
Two Games to share
YoYo Balls
Pack of 5 Cars Each

Nick's Mom bought them:
Leap Frog Key Pad
Christmas Book that records

My Parent's bought them:
Walkie Talkies
Harley Davidson Collection Motorcycles
Batman car with Batman Joker and some other guy in the movie not sure which one
Motorcycle Mini Street Bikes that light up and do wheelies
Bicycle/Game that plugs into the tv and they peddle while learning all sorts of different stuff. It teaches them shapes, numbers, letters, and more
Two different games with card games checkers and a puzzle all in one

Christmas morning was all sorts of crazy, the boys had a blast ripping thru all there presents making a huge mess. We kept having to remind Brody their was more presents to open and at one point I even helped him open a few. He was so preoccupied on his candy, they got a few with toys connected. Like one was batman on top that lit up, and another one was a pea spiderman. Ashton kept handing out presents and saying "my present, my present" he was way cute. All he wanted to do was open more presents. The DVD players Santa got them were just the regular ones that didn't come with a remote or headphones. But later in the day I was online and saw that my girlfriends son got a red Lightning McQueen one with matching headphones and remote. So I didn't the boys had to have them and am taking back the ones santa bought and getting them the car ones instead. They are more kid friendly anyways and I really don't want them to break. The boys can be so reckless sometimes they don't know how to take care of stuff yet. Every single dvd we own is scratched from them getting into them. After we were all done I started cleaning up and couldn't find a pair of the boys pajamas I know I wrapped anywhere. Later in the night I looked in the tree and their was a present stuff in it wrapped. One of Brody's of course! So I just opened it and put them away. Christmas was exciting for all of us, I got 1 caret diamond earrings and Nick is getting a very expensive tool box. When he went to grab it last night they were all out so he has to wait a couple weeks till they get another one in stock. But since he didn't get the one he wanted he bought a mini tool box in the mean time!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cookies For Santa!!!!!!!

Making cookies for Santa was such a blast. This year was the first year the boys actually got to help do just about everything and they loved it. It was very exciting I really had to put aside my OCD and let them, well all of us and the kitchen get messy. Before we started I sat the boys in their booster seats and got all the ingredients on the table including the sprinkles. Not the best of ideals one of the boys was drinking the sprinkles well actually both of them did at one point. Then they pored baking powder in our mixing bowl trying to help but it was way over the amount we needed. They just wanted to help but they were making it take longer to get it all done so they could help. I should of held off on putting them in their seats till after we got everything in the bowl. But all together they did really good for being 2. We even put green food coloring in the cookie dough and some how I got it in my mouth so all my teeth were green. Nick's mom stayed after dinner and ended up staying the night with us just so she could be apart of this wonderful night and morning. The boys had so much fun and when we started rolling out the dough they were up on the table each holding a handle helping us roll it out. They even cut the cookies for Santa. Flour was everywhere and I do mean everywhere. After we got the cookies all cut and in the oven we put the boys in the bath because they were covered in flour from head to toe. It was the quickest bath ever and they weren't trying to stay in longer then me getting them cleaned off either. While we were letting the cookies cook and then cool off. Ash & Bro played with their daddy on the steps and then chased each other around the house with pillows. I got most of it on recording and the first half Nick didn't know I was, so it was pretty hilarious to watch. The boys have this new thing where they jump off the last step and we have to watch them. At least 20 times tonight they said "Mommy Grandma Look Look" so of course we would look and they would jump off the last step over and over again laughing at themselves. After the cookies finally cooled off it was pretty late so they both decorated 4 cookies each and then went to bed. I gave them both sprinkles to do it all on their own and broody dumped half the bottle of one cookie a couple times. They were so cute and very excited that Santa himself was gonna eat their cookies! When they finished they slept in mommy and daddy's bed Grandma Dyana (my mom) called and read them the three little bear story over the phone. Then they both crashed out, it was a very long day. Colleen and I finished up the cookies wrote Santa a note and even put out some veggies for the reindeer. It was a very successful evening and we all had a blast.

Christmas Eve Dinner @ Our New Home

Tonight I made my first Christmas dinner at our new home. Dinner turned out absolutely delicious and my mother in law was a wonderful helper. She came over a couple hours early to help me prepare and get everything done on time. I was very grateful for all her help in the kitchen. We had her over, my parents, Nick's sister, my boys, plus Nick and I! Tony my mother in law's boyfriend unfortunately had to work but he stopped in a couple times to say hi and eat dinner. All together it turned out pretty perfect and I was so thankful for all my wonderful family who came. We were just gonna do dinner at my parents on Christmas but decided only a couple days before to do Christmas Eve dinner at our house to. The boys got to open their presents that Grandma Colleen bought them (Nick's Mom) and one present each from Santa. They both got leap frog computer pads to teach them the ABC's and a few other things as well. Plus she got them a Christmas book to share that you can record the story, so they can just push a button and it will read page for page. Nick and I decided to let them open one gift each that "Santa" got them. They were to cars one was a Spider man car and the other was Thor they turn into 8 different designs which was pretty neat. The boys love them. They were happy to get a couple presents a day early. Then my parents and Colleen opened their presents we got them as well. It was a wonderful night, I'm excited for next year to come already.

Reindeer Farm/ Christmas Eve 2010

Today we took our baby boys to the reindeer farm as a family for their second time. It was the first time Nick and I had ever gone there. It was about 12 below and colder then cold out!!!!!! When we first got there we didn't realize Santa was there, so that was very exciting for all of us. After you pay they direct you to this little cabin where they talk to you about feeding the reindeer and basically give you the run down on what to do while in the fenced area with the reindeer. When Santa walked thru the door the boys eyes lit up with excitement, they were so excited to see him again. They gave the boys each a container of food to feed the reindeer with.... When we got outside there were lots of them and they surrounded us of course because we had food. It was a lot of fun seeing the boys interacting with them and watching their facial expressions. The reindeer kept bumping into the boys there were so many of them all around it was so cute. After running out of food the reindeer would move on to the next kids and eat theirs. It was really neat being there and a wonderful experience for our family. Santa walked out and the boys went right up to him.... Santa asked the boys if they wanted to get in his sleigh. Of course they were totally willing and told Santa they wanted lots of toys for Christmas. We took a lot of pictures of them with Santa and the reindeer. We didn't stay for to long though because it was so freaking cold out so after the boys saw Santa and got a candy cane from him we left. It was a lot of fun though and I hope to make it a family tradition to go every year on Christmas Eve! :)