Wednesday, October 7, 2009

DAncing BOYS


The boys love playing in their new orange toy box!!!! They LOve to get inside a rock back and forth! And whenever one gets in the other wants in! SO tonight i made the boys take turns sharing it! We are working very hard and teaching the boys to share and take turns. They are learning slowly but surely!

The other day AShton was dancing up a wall in the car. I caught him on phone I recorded him twice, and it made me crack up forever. I will be putting it on my blog as soon as i figure out how to send it to my computer. And i will also be sending it to America's Funniest Home Video's because it was hilarious. He was dancing for at least 45 minutes just laughing and having a good time. His brother on the other hand was very tired and for the first video he was shaking his head back in forth but for the second he was passed out. They both love to dance when they hear music they both start swinging their heads and moving their bodies all around! Unfortuately they still have running noses and coughs but they dont ever let that get in the way of having fun. Although they wont leave me or their dad alone for a second when they arent feeling well, or arent entertained by something. My friend Lorelle is pregnant with twin girls and while she was over here the other day Brody was just loving on her the hole time. He kept pulling up her shirt touching her tummy, giving it kisses and hugs. It was almost like he new their was two babies in their, and they had some kind of connection. It was pretty priceless plus i was able to record him kissing her tummy on my phone. They are so sweet but can go from sweet to fussy in seconds and hate being told NO. I was doing dishes tonight and both the boys were trying to climb in the dishwasher and pull all the dishes out. I dont know why they like everything that isnt their toy but they do. Auntie Michele was about to give babies a bath today when she got Ashton undressed he looked down at his penis and started peeing everywhere. I know im forgeting some things i wanted to blog but i will add on later. There is always something more to talk about in my life and i love every minute of it!

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