Thursday, September 24, 2009

IF oNly I coulD PAuse The HANDS of Time

Everyday i smile a little bigger and laugh a little harder. I never knew what true love was till i held my boys for the first time. My heart was filled with love at that moment and it has been ever since. The boys are at the age where they are so much fun, full of energy, silliness, and so innocent. With absolutely no cares in the world. I love playing with my boys chasing them around the house, making them crack up like crazy. Ash and Bro are just perfect in every way and I am the luckiest mom ever. At the end of this month they will already be 18 months old and the time has just flown by faster then i ever could of imagined. I wish i could pause the hands of time, my babies aren't babies anymore. I miss being able to hold them both and have them sleep on my chest. That definitely doesn't happen anymore, they fight over me all the time. I miss them being small but i enjoy them being toddlers and running all around being boys. We have way to much fun.....Uh No we don't we have just enough my life never gets boring. We have moments of frustration or temper tantrums like any family but over all life is coming together one day at a time!

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