Monday, February 20, 2012

Ice Cream Fun!!!

The kiddos all were being good and ate there lunch so I decided to give them all a nice treat. I made all of us a yummy ice cream cone and we ate them up! I love making the kids happy and when they are good rewarding them with goodies. The kids had fun putting ice cream all over there lips, making chocolate mustaches. I even took pictures to capture there funny sweet lips of chocolate. It was a nice treat for us all and very sweet indeed.

Sleep Over w/ Titan, Preston, Vayah, Ashton, & Brody

Last night the boys had a sleep over at Meggan's house. I also stayed there to have a girls night with Meggan. We stayed up watching movies and enjoyed each other's company. The boys all had a good time playing till late last night. They to watched a movie, played some games, and even at times argued over the smallest stuff. We all had a great time with one another. I noticed the boys were being not as good as they usually are without me there. Which at times was a bit hard to deal with but over all it was fun. We had a good time and plan to do that more often then not.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bowling Night With Amazing Friends!

Tonight we went bowling with our family, Sammy, Meggan, and her sons Titan & Preston. It was so much fun just letting loose and enjoying each other's company! I love spending quality time with my family but it is even more rewarding to spend it with them and some amazing friends. The boys enjoy seeing Titan & Preston so much, they have spoke about them every day since they first become friends. Before we started bowling the kids all got to play the claw machine to win a stuff animal. Preston was the only one who got lucky, he won a blue fuzzy gorilla. He was so happy! Every one had a ton of fun and seeing how competitive the boys are with each other is so cute. They all did so well and there scores were much higher then I expected. By the end of the two games we played the adults were ready to leave but of course the kids not so much... Each of them in the own way thru a little fit and tried to convince us to stay longer. But chasing four kids around a bowling alley definitely tires you out. So we only played two games and then called it a night!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day!!!! I woke up this morning in such a great mood because I love Valentine's Day. Every year I buy the boys some goodies and this year I bought them each some candy, a bubble bee bag, a gun, and a card. They love all there goodiess.. Not to mention Meggan brought them over a present as well. So today they each got extra spoiled! We spent the day laying around the house being lazy and just relaxed. The boys spent most the day playing the xbox and eating lots of food and candy! Tomorrow we are all going to take Meggan and her family bowling with us... I can't wait to get out of the house and have some fun with our closest friends. I love the holidays and being able to spend time with the ones closest to you!

The NEW Year, My New BEGINNING!!!!

Life has been pretty crazy these last few months. We have been doing a lot of fun activities with the boys trying to keep them busy. I want them to experience as many memories in life as possible. Me giving them the best childhood memories as I can helps me maintain my happiness knowing that they're happy. It's such an amazing gift being a mom to them and helping them grow into there own little individual personalities. They're the happiness little boys I have ever known and everyday they are full of more love for life and the want to learn new stuff. I can hardly wrap my hands around the fact that next month my babies will already be four years old. It 's been so much fun raising them already I can not imagine all the joy they will keep filling my life with has hardly even begun.

We have been spending a lot of our time with the boys new best friends Preston, Titan, and Neveyah. Who's mom is my best friend and most importantly my mentor! I look up to her in so many ways and everyday I strive to learn from her own life and values. The boys love spending there time with their family and it's so nice knowing how close we have all become in such a short period of time. I can't wait for the future and all the wonderful memories ahead.

This year is a fresh start for me and my whole outlook on life and its battles. I feel like I can except my mistakes and move forward with hope for change within. I feel very blessed with what I have. I know what I want and I plan to make it happen because anything is possible as long as you stick to it and never give up! My life is only getting better from here on out and I will never stop trying to give my boys the best life that they can have and mostly that they deserve!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Titan's 6th Birthday Party

Today was Titan's birthday party. It was at his house and the theme was camoflauge. Their was only close family and friends who were invited. It was a lot of fun, the kids had a blast. Titan was even nice enough to let Ashton & Brody help him open his presents. All the kids got gift bags and little nerf key chain guns. We enjoyed visiting with everyone and ate lots of pizza, cake, & ice cream. The kids kept themselves busy playing the xbox, ipods, and they even spent sometime coloring in coloring books. Brody ate so many sweets he suddenly had a horrible tummy ache. On our way home Brody stated he was gonna puke. We pulled over as quickly as possible but before I could get him unbelted he started puking everywhere. Poor kid ended up being sick for the rest of the night with the runs and non-stop puking. Nothing I did for him made any differences. So I just tried to love him well again.... It was like a 24 hour bug that thankfully went away the next day! The party was a blast, anytime we spend with the Price family is full of laughs, fun and an all around good time!!!!