Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Speghetti Night-Mommy's Little Cooks

Tonight the boys helped me make spaghetti for their first time. I love when the boys say "mommy can we help you" it's precious. Of course I never complain to getting some extra hands, I love my boys helping me. When they cook with me it's always made with a lot of extra love and hard work. I want my boys to grow up learning how to cook all sorts of wonderful meals. I believe not only should women know how to cook but the men should to. So I'm starting my little guys out early, hopefully by the age of 5 they can cook something all on there own with me only watching over them! Brody helped me start the spaghetti and Ashton helped me finish it. They mixed everything together, but they both kept sticking there little fingers in it to grab olives to munch on. They weren't trying to wait till it was done to eat it. Dinner turned out perfect and once again we sat down as a family well 3 of us did. Ashton fell asleep right before dinner, we made the mistake of trying to wake him up to eat with us. He wasn't having it at all threw a huge fit because he wanted to lay in his couch and not eat right then. We tried to sit him at the table a couple times but he kept freaking out so finally we just decided to let him lay back down. Then Brody, Nick and I said our prayers holding hands and ate our wonderful dinner. After we were finished we all sat in the living room to watch a movie. I gave Brody his sugar free fudge sickle because he ate so well. Ashton wasn't at all happy about that he jumped up went to the table and hurried to eat his dinner so he could have one to. We had a great night, spent it as a family snuggling together on the couch watching movies!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Game Night/Eating Together Again!

We had such an amazing night all together as one happy family! :) Nick has been working so much these past few months and some days not making it home till pretty late. Thankfully he got the last couple days off so we've gotten some family time all together. Before dinner we played a game called candy land. Nick's dad sent the boys two games for Christmas one called Candy Land and the other Hi Ho Cherry-O. A few days ago Nick played Hi HO Cherry-O with the boys and they really enjoyed it. So tonight I really wanted to play the other game all together. We set the video camera on our shelve so we could record it. At first the boys were being suborn, they kept grabbing the gender bread men off the board. We kept explaining that they needed to leave the pieces in there places but they were determined to keep grabbing them. So I stopped video taping and almost put the game away because they didn't want to listen. But I got an idea to give them a fruit snack every time they had a turn and it worked!!!!!!!! They were still being boys of course but over all they did a good job and we all had fun. The game is actually very educational for the boys teaching them numbers, counting, and colors. Ashton won but Brody was only a couple spaces behind him. We rewarded them boy with the rest of the fruit snacks and some kisses. Then we took a bunch a pictures and we all made funny faces for the camera.

At dinner time we all sat together as a family which doesn't happen to often with daddy working late. It was really nice we all enjoyed are time together. For the boys first time we prayed at the dinner table, even held hands. The boys were so cute repeating the prayer and closing their eyes. We really want to start having more family time and eating all together. I know the boys like us sitting at the table with them, so we are gonna try really hard to have that time with them every night.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boys Made Meatloaf with Mommy!

For the boys first time they both helped mommy make meatloaf... I think they have helped my mom make it before but it was there first time helping me and it was really cute. At first they were just kinda patting it down and not really getting there hands dirty by mashing everything together. It showed them how they needed to really stick there hands in the bowl and mix everything together. So they began mashing together a lot better. Ashton kept eating small pieces of the crackers after I put in the bowl, I kept telling him not to eat them. I didn't want him accidentally eat raw meat. They eat a lot better when they help make and prepare the meal. I enjoy the extra help even when it gets a little messy in the kitchen, it's still a lot of fun cooking with my boys.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Boys Have to Have my Full Attention! :)

So last night I had our Niece Paetyn for the night, so my sis Amber could go out. The minute Amber left and I was holding baby the boys freaked out. The were totally unhappy about her being here and me holding her. I didn't think they would act this way at all but they kept saying "baby needs to go home." I tried explaining they needed to be big boys and understand Paetyn was a lot littler then them and needed me to hold her. They still kept saying over and over again "baby go home and my mommy, hold me mommy." Even with Nick here they still wanted me and when I handed Paetyn to Nick the boys would run to him saying "my daddy, my daddy hold me." We asked them if they wanted a little sister and they said yes surprisingly. Although I think they would be very jealous if they actually had one. After a while of her being here the boys started playing with her, giving her kisses. They were rocking her in her car seat and talking to her. It was a very long night, the whole time they wanted our undivided attention only if we were holding her. The last couple months the boys have been sleeping in our bed some nights and lately every night. They were doing very good in there big boys beds for a while, then they started waking up in the night coming to our room to sleep with us. So last night I explained to them they had to sleep in there beds because Paetyn was over and that didn't go over to well. But some how I managed to get them to sleep in there beds till 2am came along. They both woke up screaming for me so I went down to there room hoping to get them back to sleep, they insisted on coming to our bed. So I decided they could sleep with daddy and I slept with baby in the room next door. We have a spare room with another bed so it worked out but still I was hoping they would sleep all night in there room like big boys. In the morning they were a lot more welcoming to there cousin which made me very happy. Ashton kept giving her bottle to her and loving on her. Brody also was loving on her and they liked sitting next to her. I just think the boys really didn't like having a baby in the house because they didn't have our full attention but they warmed up to the idea. Around noon Amber came over and then a couple hours later her other daughter Jade came over to see the boys. She is there age so they all had a really good time playing together. They stayed over till about 10pm and the kids all had a really good time playing, watching movies, casing after each other, holding hands and they even took a bath together. Except for baby of course, she had the bath all to herself! I love getting to see my nieces they're so precious and really make me want my own baby girl! :)