Friday, January 29, 2010

FIrst DAY @ School, went w/ RENA to school!!!!! :)

TOday Angela watched the boys for us while Nick & I worked. SHe came over at 7 am & had to take Rena to school @ 8. So i left her my car so she could take the boys along, when she got there she decided to go inside with the boys!!! They had a good time in class, Brody pulled a chair up next to Rena and sat right next to her. But Ashton on the other hand wouldn't let go of Angela, he tends to get more shy in new places. The whole class sang songs and everyone brushed their teeth including Ash & Bro. She said they had a great time and every one loved the boys!!!!!! When i got home Angela was telling me how the boys were totally fascinated all the vehicles around. Every time they see a car, truck, anything with a motor, the say "vroom vroom" I love it!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Little Rascals The Boys 1st Time

TOday my friend Jessika Berg and I took the boys to little rascals for their first time. We met Kylie, Serana, and Oscar for a little play date!!! It was a blast the boys were totally into these little scooters that you ride on. They actually were alot of fun, when you turn the steeling wheel it drives its self. Pretty cool Brody didn't want to do anything else besides ride them. After a little while i took the boys on the slide. First i took Ashton and of coursed he loved it...Then i took Brody and he loved it to but when we got to the bottom he kept running back to the scooters. THey had a really good time exploring the play land and we were there for a little over an hour and a half. By the time we left i was exhausted got a nice long workout for sure. I love taking them to do things like that, I hate keeping them in the house all the time. So it's nice Wasilla has a couple different play lands for the kids out here to go to during winter.

Potty Training Time!

Yesterday the boys were all about using the potty. When nap time rolled around the boys weren't very excited to sleep. They played in their cribs for a little while talking to each other but then daddy came home from work early. They both heard his voice and started whining so i told Nick to go say hi to them! When he walked in he found both boys butt naked, they took their pants and diapers off. Not to mention they both peep all over the place, naughty naughty boys. They love to use the potty and all together yesterday they used it at least 4 times each. We bought them pull-ups yesterday and we were thrilled to start using them till we realized the sides come undone, I pray the boys don't notice that! Every chance they get they're pulling their diapers off and I mean every chance! What can i say they are total boys all the way, we try so hard to keep a straight face telling them NO but at the same time it's so hard not to crack a smile. DAD is the worst he laughs and smiles about everything....AND i do mean everything we can never have a serious conversation without him smiling or laughing. Whenever he punishes the boys he usually turns away and smiles which totally defeats the purpose. I pray the boys don't laugh at everything like their dad because that is my pet peeve and i cant stand when he does that! SO far the boys are doing so good with potty training i mean some days there is accidents on the floor or they pee in the bath but I'm extremely proud of their progress and willingness to use the potty!

These last few days my babies have had a cough and running noses. I've been picking tons of boogers out of their poor noses every morning and all through the day. They hate when mom messes with their noses, although they do enjoy using the booger sucker them selves. It's funny Ashton & Brody were both sucking their boogers out yesterday. I would put the booger sucker up then they would find it and fight over who got to use it first! They're incredibly independent and like to do every thing for them selves including washing their hair, brushing teeth, eating and a lot more..... It's hard letting go of the fact that they aren't little babies anymore and they can do a lot on their own now. I miss when they were tiny little babies and all they did was sleep. Ok maybe i don't i love my little rug rats running around causing a raucous most days anyways!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Portrait Party @ The Picture Lady

A few months ago my girlfriend Brittanii invited me to a portrait party. Of course i was thrilled to go you can never have enough pictures....At least in my life I cant! The party was pretty fun you pick your time come in there is a 20 minute session of taking pics of your kids no adults.. Then you come back a few hours later to see and pick you pictures plus get refreshments. I had a lot of fun and actually have my own portrait party in late March or early April. I figured if i had a party then i could just get the boys two year pictures out of the way then. Before we left NIck put the dishes away and both the boys helped him till the last dish. Are little men are getting so big and before we know it they'll be putting them away all by them selves.

When we first got there the boys werent really into getting more pictures taken. The photographer had to pull the smiles out of the boys. Brody was flirting and did pretty well but when Ashton was up he tried very hard to not smile. They kept turning their heads and then turning back real quick with a frown or quick smile. It was pretty cute watching them, although they wouldn't sit still except when we sat them separately on a stool. WE attempted to get some pictures of the boys together but they weren't trying to corporate at all kept squirming around. We were able to get a few cute shots but known with huge smiles like i had wanted. Over all they did pretty good and enjoyed being stubborn.

When I went back at 7 to pick out the pictures I was scared i would fall in love with all the pictures. But i did well only bought two 5 by 7's of the boys together. Was only going to get one 8 by 10 but couldn't decide which one i liked more. The pictures are outrageously expensive so i had to not go crazy at least till i have my own party. For one 5 by 7 it costs 35 dollars and that's on sale. We had a good day i was glad to try something new I plan to keep attending these parties or just have my own!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Third TIme @ BouncINg BEaRs, Fun DAy W/ MY LOVES!

Today I took the boys to bouncing bears after i got home from work, my friend Brenden came with us. Grandma Colleen watched the boys while i went to work. When i came home my little rug rats were sleeping sound. A little after that Ashton woke up, he was in his crib butt naked with wet sheets & blankets. He ripped his pants and diaper off and must of peep a few times because it was every where. HE had it even on the floor, he must of stood up and peep! My friend Brenden got Ashton out of his crib because i had to run Colleen home. AShton tripped out because he was scared, wanted mommy! I walk in the door not even two minutes after he woke up and Brenden had put a diaper on him backwards. IT was pretty funny, Ashton latched onto me the second i walked in. When Brody got up he to latched on to me it wasnt at all easy trying to make them both happy. I'm pretty sure they were both still very tired, idnt nap very long. I dressed them both in their cute flannel shirts with tan corduroy pants. THey loooked so cute but before we got out the door they both took their shoes off more then once. I can never keep shoes or socks on them long.

We got to bouncing bears at about 5pm and it was pretty busy with kids & adults. I was worried the boys were gonna get trampled & they almost did numerous times. Ashton acually got ran into by a little girl maybe a year older then him but no tears. Then the boys head butted eachother but were tough and kept playing not even thinking twice. They both had little red spots on their four heads. When we first walked in they were amazed by all the colors and people. They kept looking around at every thing kinda observing the place. I took them to this blow up trampaline looking set up and when i put them inside they both tripped. I didnt understand why they didnt like it but i bounced around a little trying to get them warmed up. They totallly didnt like it at first but towards the end i took them back in and they enjoyed in more. I took them on the slides so many times i went down a few times with them then i let them go down alone. I slid down in front of Brody first and he slid down after with no problems. He loved the slide so much, he kept climbing up the little tiny stairs. And the first time he made it up with no help. I took Ashton up second and slid down in front of him but he seemed a little scared and wouldnt slide down after me. He sat their debating for at least 7 minutes. I tried to grab his feet by climbing up the slide but I slid down on my knees and definitely got a rubber burn! SO for the first couple times i gave him a little push or slid down with him. By the end he was climbing up with Brody sliding down all by himself. THey really ebjoyed going and they werent at all happy to leave. I also had a blast but was way worn out from carrying them both up the slides.

When we got home I gave the boys the last of these sour cream & Onion crackers that they both love. THey kept fighting over who held the bag so i took a little handful out for Brody to eat since Ashton had the bag. But Ashton got so mad and started putting the crackers back in the bag giving his brother this look like dont you dare. I took another hand full and them back to Brody telling him "hurry" before brother gets them. He started stuffing his mouth full, I couldnt help but laugh. After they finished all the crackers they went into my room turned the clock on radio and started rocking out to country. It was so cute watching them both dance around, I got in a on video tape. Before bed i was uploading all the pics from today and AShton kept loooking at them saying "Ashton, Brody." They just started trying to say Brody, it took them long enough. Ashton was so cute he even started kissing the computer screen!!!! I had a freaking blast with my two monkeys today and cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

OUr BIG BOYS!!!!!!!!

Man I've been so busy chasing the boys around and trying to clean up after them. Haven't even had much time for blogging but today i decided i really need to update it. THe boys are so big and have been being like brats for the last month. They do not listen, they laugh in time out, laugh when we tell them no or spank there little butts! It's been pretty stressful trying to get them to not do the things they are not suppose to. They love to climb on the table and chairs, for the last month i've kept the chairs in the kitchen with the baby gate blocking them. But some how the boys manage to knock down the gate, then they climb on the chairs and pull all the magnets off the fridge. They also love going in our room, taking all mommy's shoes out and throwing them all over the house. It's so funny when they put my heals on and attempt to walk around in them. A lady gave my mom a bag of clothes and a few pairs of shoes, that dont fit quite yet. There is these rain boots that the boys love to wear every chance they get. I can barely keep shoes or socks of them but they love wearing these boots or my shoes. I finally got an alarm clock cuz i slept in to late for work one day due to my phones alarm not going off. And the boys love it they turn the radio on and dance to the music. Its so freakin adorable watching them grow, learn, enteract with each other I just love my little boys. So they love the couch lately they have been pushing the cushion half way off and using it as a slide. They do the craziest things sometimes but have good imaginations. There birthday is coming quick and i cant wait. We are totally done shopping for there birthday and let me tell you they got spoiled once again. Walmart had a huge sale so i took advantage and went crazy!

Next month we are taking a family vacation and i am so anxious!!!! I havent seen my dad in 7 years so this is going to be a good trip. First we are flying to Oregon for a week to see all my family and then we will fly to Caifornia to visit Nick's dad and family! It's going to be a good vacation and i am so excited to get a break from work and everything else. I will admit i've extremely scared to take the boys on an airplane but I cant let that get to me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

FUn AT H2Oasis

TOday Nick and I took are little rug rats to the water park in anchorage. WE met Matt, Amanda, & their little girl Kayden there for some wet fun! At first the boys were pretty excited by the looks of it! The got all dressed and ready to go, we took them in the shower which neither liked. Then we took them in the water, at first they both freaked up and latched onto us! Then after getting them alll the way wet and and walking around with them they seemed to start enjoying it. We have only brought them once before but they hated it and we left 20 minutes later. SO i was happy they were having fun. Brody liked the slide a lot Ashton not so much, their facial expressions were priceless. We put life jackets on the boys to keep them warmer and it seemed to work pretty well! I didn't really think of that bright idea but someone did! A couple times the boys fell in the water and dunked their faces they weren't to happy about that but got over it quick. THey really enjoyed this barrel that had holes with water squirting out, Kayden and them were staring at it plugging the holes with their little fingers. Watching them play in water was awesome and I'm so glad they had a good time. We brought our brand new video camera, I was so happy to catch them in having fun in the water. But as soon as I pressed record in dyed on me, I forgot to charge it before we left! :( I was sad but thank god i grabbed my camera just in case because i almost didn't. We played in the water for a couple hours and by the end the boys weren't even thinking about being cold they were full of smiles. Daddy & I took turns going down the slides, it was so much fun! After we were finished in the water we went upstairs to eat some food. I thought they most likely had some good food but everything we ordered was disgusting. Well except the dipping dots but how can you mess those up. After we ate are burgers..Amanda got her nachos and they were SO NOT GOOD AT ALL......I decided to say something to them and surprisingly they refunded us for the nachos and both our burgers. I was like hell yeah didn't expect that to happen, good thing i said something. After we ate Nick and I took the boys into the arcade room and they took turns driving a race car on Daddy's lap.. After that we ate some desert...OH yeah and the boys didnt eat anything else besides drinking soda and throwing their food every where. They kept fighting over the soda and didnt like having to share it. BUt we figured what the heck today is their day so we let them have desert & soda. Then all of the sudden Ashton looked like he was gonna puke, he was sitting next to his dad so i told Nick he's gonna puke. Two seconds later it was everywhere poor baby! I think he had way to much sweets or something went down the wrong tube! Nick cleaned most of it up but a janitor came up to clean the rest, Matt left the guy a tip! After that we changed Ash and headed home, we are all exhausted and ready for sleep.

A little while after we got home I gave the boys a bath to clean all the germs off them!!!!! I wanted them to have a good scrub down, which they did! Usually they dont want to stay in long well at least for the last month or so but tonight they didnt want to get out! I recorded them having a good ole time, they kept standing up and then falling down. Then they were grabbing their little butts and falling down, it was the cutest! After bath time was finally over we played in the boys room and ate some chicken nuggets. I had a really good day spending time with my family and friends! Goodnight..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


What a year it has been and how fast it has flown by. My baby boys will be 2 in only a few more months and i still cant believe how big they're getting. SO many good memories this last year, to many to even begin to think back on! This time last year my little men were only 9 months old and now they're huge and all over the place! I am so truly blessed and happy to have my family! I hope 2010 will be a better year, I hope every year is a better year! My resolution is to be a better person to find peace within and love more! Every day is a new day with new beginnings...and I cant wait to see what my future brings!